Costi Hinn
Founder / President
Costi W. Hinn serves as the Teaching Pastor of Shepherd’s House Bible Church in Chandler, AZ, and is the Founder and President of For The Gospel, an online ministry dedicated to providing sound biblical doctrine for everyday people. He is the author of several books, including Knowing the Spirit, More Than a Healer, God, Greed, and the (Prosperity) Gospel, and his forthcoming book, Walking in God’s Will (Release: March 2025).
Alongside his wife Christyne, Costi has co-authored multiple children’s books, such as In Jesus' Name I Pray: TJ the Squirrel Learns the True Heart of Prayer, The King Who Found His Self-Control, and their latest title, The Farmer Who Chose to Plant Kindness, (Release: January 2025).
Costi is currently completing his doctorate at The Master’s Seminary. He and Christyne are the joyful parents of five children and are expecting their sixth.
Some people think hell isn't a real place, but rather just a scare tactic used to manipulate people into obeying God. In this article, Costi Hinn addresses the uncomfortable doctrine of hell and clears up common misconceptions and blasphemous views of the all too real place of suffering and separation from God.
When it comes to the church, there seems to be this idea that politics shouldn't be talked about. In this article, Costi Hinn shares how Christians should approach politics and voting.
In this article, Costi Hinn shares how to think biblically about one of the most fascinating and bizarre practices in the charismatic movement: anointing people, objects, and places with oil.
Christianity is about knowing God. In this article, Costi Hinn explains how grasping the holiness of God leads believers to understand His other attributes, all expressed in perfect holiness.
Many seeker-sensitive preachers will teach that the Four Soils are the four stages of the Christian life, often to lessen the harshness of Christ's words in that parable. In the article, Costi Hinn explains the meaning of this parable and why it's so important to get it correct.
There's so much confusion about the Holy Spirit these days. In this article, Costi Hinn shares five ways the Holy Spirit is often misrepresented and how Scripture provides clarity on these issues. Let the Bible define your doctrinal beliefs about the Holy Spirit, not experience and emotion.
Many people will put Jeremiah 29:11 somewhere in their home or on social media, or claim it as their life verse, desiring the prosperous life it seems to promise. In this article, Andrew Curry from The Master's Seminary shares with Costi Hinn what this verse actually means in context and how the believer can be encouraged to trust our faithful God.
Costi Hinn shares how he hopes we will respond to the recent Alistair Begg controversy under the following headings: 1) Correcting the Compromised Counsel. 2) Don’t Believe the Graceless Narrative. 3) If Alistair Would Repent.
If you had to make a short list of church practices that have fallen on hard times, “church discipline” has to be near the top. Whether the unpopular nature of confronting sin, or the way people seem to run away from conflict, to the underdeveloped art of conflict resolution, church discipline has become nearly non-existent. In this article, Costi Hinn shares 10 truths that every Christian should think deeply about regarding the what and the how of church discipline.
Should unbelievers be comfortable in the church? In this article, Costi Hinn explains why the church should be welcoming to guests but unashamedly different than the world.
Many Christians today are rightly concerned with the emotionalism and manipulation that can infiltrate our worship gatherings. However, we can also swing too far into man-made rules and legalistic opinions that contradict biblical expression in worship. In this article, Costi Hinn encourages Christians to be wary of extremes, while enjoying Spirit-filled worship that aligns with Scripture.
It is likely that as a professing Christian you believe the Bible is true, and you’ve heard that you should study it, memorize it, know it, and love it. But how? In this article, Costi Hinn provides some practical tools for studying the Bible, walking through basic principles for interpretation and process for biblical study.
Biblical illiteracy is rampant in the church today, but even amongst Christians who consider themselves biblically literate, wouldn’t we say that more time could be spent communing with God in the Scriptures? Whether you struggle to make the time, or you have been going through the mechanics of Bible reading without a vibrant relationship with the Author of the Bible, it’s healthy to look under the hood of our spiritual life from time to time and ask: why don’t I study the Bible? In this article, Costi Hinn provides 5 reasons to consider, along with some practical solutions to grow in your study of the Scriptures.
Christians from all walks of life are often bewildered by what the Bible calls being “filled with the Spirit.” Some think it’s an experience that causes one to speak in tongues, others think it’s a feeling, while others just brush it off as a mystery. It doesn’t have to be this way. In this article, Costi Hinn walks through 8 truths from Scripture about the filling of the Spirit.
Many lament, “I see the way false teachers assault the church and the way they undermine the truth. Should I be praying for them, or against them? If I feel righteous anger, how should that be applied in my prayer life? How should I be praying for false teachers? Should I pray for them at all?” In this article, Costi Hinn outlines several truths to help navigate this topic.
Many people ask if the tenets of Calvinism are truly biblical. In this article, Costi Hinn outlines Calvin’s 5 points (TULIP) and how they reflect the teaching of Scripture.
Recently someone asked, "How can I identify a false teacher if I don't know the truth?" Around the same topic, someone asked, "Even if someone was a false teacher, shouldn't we listen to them with charity?" In this article, Costi Hinn explains how the believer can develop discernment.
In ancient Rome, there were few mechanisms for death that rivaled the Roman cross. This is the way the Father chose our Lord Jesus Christ to die, not by accident, but on purpose. In this article, Costi Hinn shares 3 reasons to meditate on the cross this Easter.
Due to his immeasurable impact and massive shoes (that took 50+ years to grow), men of all ages ask the same question again and again: Who will be the next John MacArthur? Like mere men, we all have moments of fascination with how God appoints leaders in their time. In this article, Costi Hinn discusses how Christians should view ministry “succession”, warning against potential pitfalls and centering on the truth that Christ will build His church.
The concept of Christian love is impossible to fully understand and live out faithfully without an understanding of God’s love. God’s very nature is love (1 John 4:8), so when we seek to define love, there is only one place we should go: Him!
We often focus on the need for false teachers to “repent of their teachings.” They ought to. But equally important is the need for sinful false teachers to repent of their sinful lifestyles. On the blog, Costi Hinn addresses the sad prevalence of licentiousness within the prosperity gospel.
Not all professing Christians believe the same essential truths about abortion. Not all conservatives who tout Republican politics push the pro-life agenda out of a genuine fear of the Lord and love for children, but political power and money. As with all matters of faith and practice, Christians should be discerning and thoughtful about how they view abortion and the pro-life movement. In this article, Costi Hinn outlines 4 Christian beliefs about abortion that come straight from what the Bible teaches.
The term “Gay Christian” has been circulating a lot recently. One cannot be a gay Christian because the title is a contradiction. To be gay is to actively be in sin, and to be a Christian is to follow Christ. On the blog, Costi Hinn unpacks how the church should engage with and respond to those making such claims, speaking the truth in love.
Christians should never be classified as lazy people. Our God is a God of excellence, who models purpose and stewardship for His people from His majestic creation of the world in Genesis 1, to the glorious restoration of a New Eden in Revelation 22. On the blog, Costi Hinn explains why laziness, while tempting and common to all, should be hated and resisted at all costs for the Christian.
Christmas Day is on a Sunday this year, and it is causing a great deal of debate. In one sense, we ought to spend some time thinking deeply about it. After all, Sunday is traditionally the “Lord’s Day” and the church makes a habit of gathering no matter what, because that’s what we do. Yet in another sense, debates can be a little overblown as people lob grenades claiming that those who aren’t holding Christmas Day Sunday services are “sinful compromisers,” while the alleged compromisers fire back, “You legalists!” Wherever you land in this year’s yuletide war over Christmas Day church attendance, Costi Hinn shares 3 reasons his church has chosen to meet on that day.
Unity is hard to come by in the Christian faith, but it’s important to fulfill our calling. And it’s achievable, no matter what secondary differences we may have. In this article, Costi Hinn outlines four characteristics that will foster the kind of unity every believer (and pastor) desires in their local church.
Sound doctrine is in short supply today. Entertainment and shallow “talks” may grow a church numerically, but only sound doctrine can grow a church spiritually. In this week’s article, Costi Hinn unpacks 5 reasons for preaching sound doctrine.
There are many movements that exist that claim there are still apostles today. This all comes from 2004 when C. Peter Wagner said that “God told him in 2001 the apostolic era was going to begin again and that there would be apostles once more.” Costi Hinn shares why this is dangerous, and provides biblical insight for this issue.
Understanding the doctrine of Christology is vital because if you get Christology wrong, you get Jesus wrong, and if you get Jesus wrong, you cannot be saved (John 14:6). The study of Christology is also important for nurturing your relationship with Jesus. The more you know Him, the more you will love Him and be thankful for His work on your behalf.
In this video, Ken Ham sits down with Costi Hinn at the Ark Encounter to talk about the topic of abortion through the lens of Genesis 1-11.
This week on the For The Gospel Podcast, Costi Hinn wraps up his latest series by tackling listener questions about understanding and walking in God’s will.
We need to be careful not to create factions, divisions, or power groups centered around comparing pastors within a church. A church divided cannot stand, and we need to cherish pastors for their unique contributions. Christ builds the church, not pastors.
Christians can often feel weighed down wondering what God’s will is, but in reality, He has already given us all the tools we need in the Bible. In this episode, Costi Hinn outlines seven P's to help you make great decisions based on Scripture.
In this video, Costi Hinn explains the three barriers between people and God's revealed will that need to be overcome in order to walk in His will.
In this episode, Costi Hinn exposes the decision-making cripplers that keep us from making great decisions and walking in God’s will. Every important decision should be analyzed and prayerfully processed, but nobody should be paralyzed by not knowing God's will.
In this video, Costi Hinn shares his biblical decision-making tool to help you confidently make decisions that are in line with God's will.
The most important question anyone could ever ask is, "How do I know what God’s will is for my life?" In this episode, Costi Hinn begins a 3-part series exploring how to understand and walk in God's will, starting with 10 things that are God's will for every Christian.
In this video, Jonny Ardavanis sits down with Costi Hinn to talk about the different ways singleness can be abused and how one should properly steward their season of singleness.
While we desire kindness to flow naturally from our lives, our sin nature as humans can make it difficult. In this episode, Costi Hinn examines three "kindness killers" and then turns to the Bible to reveal four ways to eradicate unkindness.
In this video, Joel Beeke sits down with Costi Hinn to talk about the keys to having a strong Christian marriage.
Kindness seems to be in short supply today, evident in everything from online arguments to road rage and church divisions. As Christians, this is a problem because kindness is a fruit of the Spirit, and its scarcity means we're not reflecting Christ’s work in our lives. In this episode, Costi Hinn shares three keys to cultivating kindness, helping us develop healthy hearts and live out this essential Christian quality.
In this episode, Costi Hinn explores the importance of safeguarding your trust in friendships and relationships and provides practical advice and questions to help you evaluate the relationships that are shaping your life.
While you may eventually retire from your career, you will never retire from Christian ministry. In this video, Costi Hinn reminds us that we are called to give our lives fully to the gospel, serving faithfully until our time on earth is complete.
In this episode, Costi Hinn reminds us that where we spend our money reveals what we truly prioritize. Money is a reflection of the heart, magnifying our love for either earthly or heavenly things. It’s not about the amount, but the attitude; what we treasure ultimately shows where our heart lies.
In this video, Conrad Mbewe sits down with Costi Hinn to explain that if you have truly been born again, it is impossible for you to lose your salvation.
In this episode, Costi Hinn reminds us that our talents are not our own. They are meant to be surrendered to God for His glory, which leads to true fulfillment found only in dedicating our abilities to His purpose.
In this video, Owen Strachan sits down with Costi Hinn to talk about the forms of masculine weakness and explains that real manhood and strength is rooted in Christ.
God has entrusted us with the responsibility to steward our bodies and we are called to maximize the way we live out the days He has appointed for us. The difference between a life fully lived for His glory and one wasted with minimal effort may come down to how well we steward our temple. In this episode, Costi Hinn shares 4 keys for strengthening your temple!
In this video, Dr. Joel Beeke sits down with Costi Hinn to talk about how Christians should be set apart by their work ethic and how one should wisely steward their time for the glory of God.
To kick off the year, we're launching a podcast series designed to transform your life! In the first episode, Costi Hinn shares 9 powerful strategies for managing your time wisely, helping you honor God by using your time according to His calling.
One of the most destructive things in our culture today is pornography. In this video, Costi Hinn outlines the devastating effects of pornography and encourages Christians to go on the offense against sexual sin.
In this episode, Costi Hinn explains the heart behind the mission of translating For The Gospel's content into Spanish with the launch of our new page Para El Evangelio.
In this video, Owen Strachan sits down with Costi Hinn to discuss the highly-debated topic of toxic masculinity and calls men to be strong in all areas of their lives, which can only begin by acknowledging their weakness and need for a strong Savior.
In the final podcast episode of 2024, Costi Hinn recaps what the Lord has done in this record-breaking year for FTG and outlines what is in store for the ministry in 2025.
In this video, Costi Hinn and Josh Buice, founder and president of G3 Ministries, sit down to talk about how to choose a local church and provide wisdom for identifying and navigating primary and secondary issues.
In this episode, Costi Hinn considers the hope found in the words of Isaiah 9:6-7 and reflects on what the birth of Christ means for us.
It seems to be increasingly difficult for Christian women to navigate the pressures of such an image-driven culture. In this video, Brianna Harris defines true modesty, which goes beyond what you put on your body.
One of the most important questions someone could ever ask is: Why is the Virgin Birth an essential Christian belief? Costi Hinn continues his Christmas podcast series by answering this question and highlights important truths as he walks through Matthew 1:18-25.
Jesus is not just a "cherry on top" to your already good life. True discipleship requires you to be "all in," which means nothing has you like Christ. This is modeled to us in Matthew 4, where we see radical selection, radical submission, and radical sacrifice
Christians from all walks of life need a clear answer to this question because their assurance, peace, and joy depend on it. God did not intend for His people to go through life in constant fear and doubt, wondering if the blood of Christ was enough to save them and if the Holy Spirit has the power to seal them. In this article, Costi Hinn explains why, according to Scripture, you cannot lose your salvation.