Why Don’t We Study the Bible?
Biblical illiteracy is rampant in the church today, but even amongst Christians who consider themselves biblically literate, wouldn’t we say that more time could be spent communing with God in the Scriptures? Whether you struggle to make the time, or you have been going through the mechanics of Bible reading without a vibrant relationship with the Author of the Bible, it is healthy to look under the hood of our spiritual life from time to time and ask: why don’t I study the Bible?
Here are 5 reasons to consider, along with some practical solutions that you can plagiarize and customize for your particular context:
1: Intimidation
Studying the Bible can be intimidating when you don’t know what you’re doing or where to start. I had a coach in college who used to say, “Preparation is confidence!” That rings true when it comes to how we approach the Bible because a lack of knowledge and preparedness leads to insecurity. If you’ve not been prepared with the “how”, then you are going to be intimidated by the “what”. I recommend the book, “How to Eat Your Bible” by my good friend, Nate Pickowicz. It's short, practical, and a confidence-builder for anyone who feels ignorant or untaught when it comes to studying Scripture.
2: Laziness
This one is common but that doesn’t mean it gets a free pass. Laziness is one of the primary reasons we don’t study Scripture. One or more of these sentiments may be plaguing the lazy Christian:
I just can’t wake up early to read
I just can’t stay up and read
I don’t have time
I just can’t focus
I always forget
You can add others but the issue of discipline remains the same. However, before you think this is merely an issue of mustering up the gusto to overcome excuses, you ought to realize that deeper than your issue of discipline is your issue of affection. We prioritize what we are passionate about. Our life habits are a reflection of what we love. Do you have a discipline issue when it comes to studying Scripture? Sure, you can set an alarm, watch motivational videos, and tell your wife to splash cold water on your face at 5 a.m., but if your heart doesn’t change, your efforts aren’t going to last. I recommend the book, “Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life” by Donald Whitney.
3: Social Media
Screen time is a death sentence for our time in the Scriptures these days. We don’t even argue this one! Everyone knows it’s true. Whether it’s social media platforms, YouTube, or some other form of online engagement, the constancy of the online world pounds at the door of our minds and hearts. The internet is a time thief.
Desiring God surveyed 8000 people recently. When asked whether they were more likely to scroll through texts, email, and social media before or after their morning devotions, a staggering 73 percent admitted to that they normally did so before spending time with God in the morning. I think this perfectly illustrates the battle most of us face every single morning and night.
I recommend reading the book, “12 Ways Your Phone is Changing You” by Tony Reinke.
4: Busyness
The drive and ambition to succeed, feel purpose, and achieve something significant in life is innately human. We all want to feel like our lives will count. Busyness pulls us here, there, and everywhere in search of purpose and meaning. Yet even in the church, busyness can get the best of us. We may be so busy doing the work of the Lord that we begin to neglect the Lord of the work. If busyness is eroding your relationship with God by hacking into your time hearing His voice through the Scriptures, it’s time to make some hard decisions.
I recommend reading the book, “Crazy Busy” by Kevin DeYoung.
5: Unbelief
The Bible changes lives! From salvation to sanctification, it saves, cleanses, convicts, teaches, guides, comforts, heals, and more. Yet many in the professing church who say they believe in God or interact with the Bible, don’t spend time studying the Bible because deep down they don’t believe the Bible. Perhaps more than we realize, the constant assault by liberalism and atheism against the Scriptures erodes our trust in them as the world seeks to prove that the Bible isn’t reliable or true. Too many Christians have put their faith on cruise control or simply rode the wave of their parent’s faith, but when opposition arose against the Bible, they were left without any ammunition in the fight!
Christians can and should know how we got the Bible, why they should believe the Bible, and why they can trust the Bible. Don’t let unbelief or insecurity cause you to shirk back from the confidence that is available to every Christian!
I recommend reading “Scribes and Scripture” by John Meade and Peter Gurry, along with “Why Believe the Bible” by John MacArthur, and “Scripture Alone” by James White.
“O how I love Your law!
It is my meditation all the day.
Your commandments make me wiser than my enemies,
For they are ever mine.
I have more insight than all my teachers,
For Your testimonies are my meditation.
I understand more than the aged,
Because I have observed Your precepts.
I have restrained my feet from every evil way,
That I may keep Your word.
I have not turned aside from Your ordinances,
For You Yourself have taught me.
How sweet are Your words to my taste!
Yes, sweeter than honey to my mouth!
From Your precepts I get understanding;
Therefore I hate every false way.”