Inspire & Inform
Theology, interviews, conversations, classes and more that will inform and inspire godly living.
False Teachers: Kris Vallotton
Kris Vallotton from Bethel Church is one of today’s most popular — yet problematic — so-called “prophets.” His outlandish claims, documented false prophecies, and unbiblical teachings lead countless souls astray. Because of love, Costi Hinn is compelled to make him the latest addition to our video library of false teachers. We pray that he will repent of being a false prophet and follow Christ, and until that occurs, we urge people to mark and avoid his ministry, along with Bethel Church.
God’s Revealed Will
In this episode, Costi Hinn continues his series on the will of God by unpacking what the revealed will of God is all about. Along with 8 key truths and several passages from Scripture, he lays out the major barriers between us and knowing the will of God.
Living a Reverential Life
What does it mean to live a reverential life? In this video, Albert Kilgore unpacks how a believer can live in awe of the Almighty God.
God’s Decretive Will
In this episode, Costi Hinn unpacks God’s decretive will or what theologians call “God’s secret will.” When it comes to this particular aspect of God’s will it’s vital that Christians understand the sovereignty of God, but also, the peace that comes from knowing just how in control He is. Whether you’re worried about the future or wondering about the past, this episode will strengthen your view on the will of God and help you live confidently in His plan for your life.
Historical Impact of Christian Women
For centuries, Christian women have been making an incredible impact on the world for the glory of God. In this video, Bre Wood unpacks their beautiful heritage of faith.
Getting Ready to Know God’s Will
In this series, Costi Hinn breaks down the basic truth about God’s will and takes the mystery out of one of the most confusing and misunderstood aspects of the Christian life. You can know God’s will and walk in it. Beginning with this episode, he focused on the most important characteristic you need to get ready for a deeper understanding of God’s will. Too many Christians miss the glorious truth about God’s will because they don’t start off with the right attitude.
Biblical Meditation
How can a Christian fight spiritual battles in a world of trials and distraction? In this video, Jesse Randolph unpacks biblical meditation and why this spiritual disciple is the key to a vibrant Christian life.
Listener Questions About the Holy Spirit
In this episode, Costi Hinn answers your questions about the Holy Spirit including questions about tongues, feelings, church service order, fruit, prayer, and more!
14 Fundamentals of True Love
Are you growing in love? In this video, Tony Wood shares 14 fundamentals of true love from 1 Corinthians 13 to help you assess.
How to Preserve the Unity of the Spirit
Unity is hard to come by in the body of Christ, but it doesn’t have to be that way. At the same time, we should never sacrifice truth in the name of superficial unity. When it comes to the work of the Holy Spirit in the true body of Christ, we may differ on some secondary doctrinal matters, but if we share a common Lord and have been baptized into the same body, we can experience unity in the midst of some differences. In this episode, Costi Hinn unpacks 4 principles that can help us preserve the unity that the Holy Spirit provides.
What are Some Misconceptions About Masculinity?
Manhood is a hot topic in the Christian community, with extreme and weak views being propagated. In this video, Jonny Ardavanis shares with Costi Hinn the big misconceptions about masculinity that this generation is being sold and what Scripture says about them.
Does the Holy Spirit Speak Today?
From confusing phrases to sensational claims, there is a great deal of confusion regarding the voice of the Spirit and how to hear from God today. In this episode, Costi Hinn takes the guesswork out of hearing from the Holy Spirit by providing biblical and practical truths you can use to walk in God’s will with confidence!
Back to School Wokeness
Secular institutions and professors fervently advance ungodly social justice, unbiblical inclusion, and a worldview contrary to the Scriptures. In this video, Paul Pitts III provides biblical truths to encourage you to hold fast to Christ, maintain a biblical worldview, and stay rooted in the gospel.
The Holy Spirit is God…Now What?
In this 3rd episode of the series on the Holy Spirit, Costi Hinn digs into practical outcomes if we believe that the Holy Spirit is God and a person. This episode will focus on how we should pray to the Holy Spirit, worship the Holy Spirit, and nurture a strong and biblical relationship with the Holy Spirit.
Radical Feminism vs. Christian Womanhood
Since the 1970s, the feminist movement has focused on promoting self and eliminating God from society. Their success is evident, even in many churches today. In this video, Bre Wood unpacks four marks of Christian womanhood that Paul provides in 1 Timothy 2, radically different from culture's demands.
3 Essential Truths About the Holy Spirit
There are certain truths that every Christian should understand and believe when it comes to the Holy Spirit. In this episode, Costi Hinn unpacks 3 essentials to help all Christians grasp and relish the Holy Spirit’s work as a member of the Trinity. He also covers some of the historical heresies that were condemned by early church councils and provides practical insights for those who have swung to extremes when it comes to the Holy Spirit.
Slain in the Spirit
In our third installment of “Filtered — with Costi Hinn”: Being “slain in the spirit” has long been one of the most prolific charismatic practices in the church.
With people shaking, convulsing, and manifesting at the mere touch of a supposedly anointed man or woman (or the wave of their jacket), many people are convinced they’re experiencing a special encounter with the Holy Spirit. But is that what the Holy Spirit does? Does He cause people to shake, bark, scream, convulse, and topple on a stage? Is any of this biblical? Does it match the ministry of Christ, His apostles, or the Holy Spirit? Costi Hinn unpacks.
The Abuse of the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is quite possibly the most misunderstood and abused member of the Holy Trinity. Some people don’t believe He is God, others think He is merely a mystical force or some abstract expression of God. His work, His deity, and His personhood are all essential Christian truths. In the midst of a generation ripe with false teaching that confuses people on this vital doctrine, this episode will help you avoid error and relish in the truth. Costi Hinn highlights several examples of blasphemy regarding the Spirit’s work, then provides 3 glorious reasons why getting the doctrine of the Holy Spirit matters.
Why Are Christians Called To Be A Salt And Light?
In this video, Jonny Ardavanis shares with Costi Hinn what it means for the Christian to live as salt and light amidst a dark and dying world.
Imprisoned For the Gospel w/ Tim Stephens
Like many pastors and churches, when COVID-19 hit the news and shut down orders spread across the globe, Tim Stephens and Fairview Baptist Church stopped holding services and assessed the situation. Not knowing what they were dealing with, they took every step necessary to use wisdom and prudence in their decision-making. But as it became clear that this virus was not all that the government made it out to be, Tim’s convictions stirred to re-open the church and begin preaching and holding worship services. His decision to re-open had a wide ripple effect that ultimately led to his imprisonment. As a husband, and a father to 8 children, Tim and Raquel Stephens had so much to lose. As fines piled up and public pressure mounted, Tim’s convictions remained anchored. To end the whole ordeal all he had to do was sign an agreement stating that he would not go back and re-open the church. He refused. This interview is the entire story in his own words.