Inspire & Inform
Theology, interviews, conversations, classes and more that will inform and inspire godly living.
Principles of Evangelism
In this video, Ray Comfort shares with Tony Wood key principles of evangelism, vital warnings, and how to balance evangelism with apologetics.
5 Life Changing Messages - Paul Washer (2)
In this episode, Costi Hinn shares the 5th message in this summer series and Paul Washer makes his 2nd appearance. This particular sermon is from the G3 Conference in 2021 and is titled, “Christ Became a Curse.” It should be mandatory listening for any man who aspires to be a pastor-elder in the local church, and most certainly a convicting message for believers from all walks of life.
What Is Worship?
What is true worship? In this video, Jonny Ardavanis shares with Costi Hinn why worship is not merely the songs sung on Sunday morning, but a life dedicated to His glory.
5 Life Changing Messages - Joni Earecksen Tada
In this episode, Costi Hinn shares the 4th message in this summer series. This particular message is more of a testimony by none other than Joni Earecksen Tada from the Strange Fire Conference in 2013. This message will help you grasp God’s will on healing, and how a Christian should view suffering and the sovereignty of God.
Diagnosing Your Child's Salvation
Nearly 8/10 kids raised in the church will walk away by age 19.
In this video, Tony & Bre Wood provide a Biblical diagnosis of salvation that they use with their own kids.
Exclusive Interview – The Essential Church
In this video, Costi Hinn sits down with Shannon Halliday, director of The Essential Church, to ask behind the scene questions about the motives, crafting, and personal impact of the film, as well as John MacArthur’s take on his first viewing.
Parental Rights and Government Overreach
God calls Christians to obey authority (Romans 13:1-7). But there are exceptions. In this video, Tony Wood unpacks how Abraham Kuyper's "sphere sovereignty" applies to believers today.
5 Life Changing Messages - John MacArthur
In this episode, Costi Hinn introduces our 2nd sermon of the summer series. Our preacher is John MacArthur, the message is "Inerrancy Under Attack," and it is from the 2015 Shepherd's Conference. MacArthur highlights the assaults that have come upon the Word of God and the authority and sufficiency of Scripture. Every Christian must know how the Bible is inerrant and why we stand for the truth of God's unchanging Word.
What’s One Thing We Often Don't Think About When It Comes To The Attributes Of God?
In this video, Costi Hinn sits down with Jonny Ardavanis to discuss what we often don't think about when it comes to the attributes of God. Jonny shares how they serve not only as characteristics of our great God but as promises that encourage our souls and bolster our Christian walk.
5 Life Changing Messages - Paul Washer
In this episode, Costi Hinn kicks off a 5-week series where he shares life changing messages that have impacted him over the last 10 years. In this 1st message, Paul Washer pours out from his deep well of wisdom on marriage, parenting, and family in what has become one of the most accessible, convicting, and down-to-earth messages on these topics. Washer is less "preachy" and much more personal in what feels more like a living room counseling session than a sermon. No matter your life stage, this will greatly impact you for years to come.
Suffering is Never for Nothing
"Hard times have high purposes." But it's hard to figure out those purposes when you are actually in the hard times. Nonetheless, it is essential that with open Bibles we consider all that God is doing amidst our sufferings. In the video, Paul Pitts III reminds us that with Jesus, suffering is never for nothing.
Head Coverings, Women Teachers, and Patriarchy w/ Owen Strachan
In this episode, Costi Hinn interviews Owen Strachan and asks him hard questions about difficult passages on head coverings, women teaching in the church, manhood, and patriarchy. These are not salvation issues, but they can be confusing issues that impact the local church and our unity. With biblical balance and pastoral temperance, Strachan and Hinn weave a pattern of clarity through these issues and more.
Fear of Man vs. The Fear of God
Cancel culture has made people fear that they will say the wrong thing or offend a certain group. Jobs, promotions, opportunities, and relationships are on the line. In this video, Grant Castleberry encourages the believer to keep his eyes on Christ, not to seek the approval of the world.
Hard Questions About Forgiveness (Q&A)
In this episode, Costi Hinn answers your questions from the series on forgiveness and conflict resolution.
Prostituting the Pulpit
Today, many Evangelical churches resort to flashy gimmicks and games to attract a crowd. However, as the Bible clearly states, the pulpit is meant to preach Christ and Him crucified. The faithful church must not settle for anything less than this crucial message. In this video, Tony Wood expounds.
How to Ask for Forgiveness
In this episode, Costi Hinn breaks down the "7 A's of Confession" from Ken Sande and helps to clarify the difference between genuinely seeking someone's forgiveness vs. making excuses about sin. Relationships will never heal and conflict cannot be reconciled if we do not take ownership of our sin. Many people don't know how to seek forgiveness or confess sin biblically. This episode will equip everyone to do that.
Marks of a Biblical Father
Fatherhood is a great privilege and responsibility to point children toward Christ. In this video, Albert Kilgore unpacks what marks a man who understands & embraces this wonderful stewardship.
How to Be a Forgiving Person
In part 3 of this series on conflict and forgiveness, Costi Hinn walks you through the biblical steps towards becoming a forgiving person and provides practical insights that are modeled in the life of Christ. If you have a difficult time forgiving people or want to be a peacemaker who helps others become more forgiving, this episode has everything you need!
Make the Pulpit Reverent Again!
In our second installment of “Filtered — with Costi Hinn:”
Reverence is out the window in our culture – our church culture – and influence is in. However you act, preach, or speak doesn't matter as long as it gets results and can be presented in some qazi-spiritual way.
Since when has the church's primary calling been to conform to this world in order to win people to Christ? Never. We call the culture to conform to Christ instead.
How to Love Amidst the "Love Movement"
The greatest evil in society's eyes is to hinder someone's expression of who they believe themselves to be, even if that's not tethered to reality. In this video, Albert Kilgore explains how believers can walk in true biblical love amidst the "love movement".