The Holy Spirit is God…Now What?

In this 3rd episode of the series on the Holy Spirit, Costi Hinn digs into practical outcomes if we believe that the Holy Spirit is God and a person. This episode will focus on how we should pray to the Holy Spirit, worship the Holy Spirit, and nurture a strong and biblical relationship with the Holy Spirit. 

Costi Hinn

Costi Hinn is a church planter and pastor at The Shepherd’s House Bible Church in Chandler, Arizona. He is the president and founder of For the Gospel. He has authored multiple books including God, Greed, and the (Prosperity) Gospel [Zondervan, 2019], More Than a Healer [Zondervan, 2021], and a children’s book releasing in the Fall of 2022. Costi and his wife, Christyne, live in Gilbert, Arizona with their four children. Follow him @costiwhinn.

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