Cultivate & Motivate
Learnings, teachings, and theology for anyone to reference during difficult times, stressful workdays, and times of study and growth.
Is Homosexuality a Sin?
Society demands you declare whether you affirm homosexuality or not. And this type of pressure is only going to rise. You are going to feel it in your families, with your friends, and within your workplaces. In this article, Albert Kilgore lays out God's clear answer to the question, "Is homosexuality a sin?".
Marks of Biblical Fatherhood
Fathers have an incredible impact on the lives of their children. In this article, Albert Kilgore unpacks the marks of a man who acknowledges and embraces the stewardship of raising his children "in the discipline and instruction of the Lord." (Ephesians 6:4)
How Should a Christian Respond to Gossip?
In today’s world, it’s easy to become desensitized to the sinfulness of gossip. In this article, Albert Kilgore outlines the Bible’s clear condemnation of gossip and shares practical ways the Christian can respond.
Watch Over Your Heart Pt.2
In this article, we will continue to see the importance of keeping watch over our hearts by looking at how we are to watch our hearts and why we are to keep watch over our hearts.
Watch Over Your Heart Pt.1
To keep watch over your heart is to actively keep your heart in a right and healthy frame before God. It is to have a sensitive heart before God and not hardened towards Him. It’s to keep your heart set on eternal rather than temporal matters.
Family Discipleship: Godly Indoctrination of the Next Generation
The Christian home is a godly indoctrination camp.
God has ordained the home to be the primary worldview shaper of the next generation. Stated another way, it has always been the intention of God that a father and mother would purposefully disciple the kids within their four walls to know who God is and know the truth found in His Word.