Inspire & Inform
Theology, interviews, conversations, classes and more that will inform and inspire godly living.
How Should You Make Peace?
There is a major difference between peacekeepers and peacemakers. The concept of keeping the peace comes from the world and the concept of making peace comes from the Lord. In this video, Jesse Randolph lays out common conflict avoidance strategies the world promotes and compares them with biblical conflict resolution strategies.
How to Build Your Prayer Life
In this episode, Costi Hinn kicks off a 3-week series to help tune up your prayer life and renew your mind. Using the model of Jesus and His prayer life, this episode will help you build a biblical prayer life.
To Die Is Gain
Even though death is a defeated foe for the Christian, it is still hard for the person dying and for the loved ones left behind. In this video, Paul Pitts gives two truths that will help Christians grieve as ones who have hope, as instructed in 1 Thessalonians 4:13.
The Kingdom of Heaven is Like…
In this final episode of the parables series, Costi Hinn unpacks two parables that Jesus uses to explain what the kingdom of heaven is like (Matthew 13:44-46).
Galatians & Gender Roles
Galatians 3:28 is often misinterpreted to eliminate gender roles and reduce the very concept of gender to a social construct. In this video, Andrew Curry examines the text with proper context, reinforces the need to use Scripture to check Scripture, and rejoices in the true meaning of the text which displays the glory of atonement and the fact that there are no second class citizens in the kingdom of heaven.
The Good Samaritan
When a lawyer stands up and publicly tries to test Jesus in order to embarrass Him with a question, the Lord responds with a question of His own. What follows that moment is one of the most well-known parables in history called “The Good Samaritan.” In this episode, Costi Hinn walks you through this parable and explains the core truths that Christians should apply as they seek to love God and their neighbor.
Will We Eat In Heaven?
In this video, Randy Alcorn sits down with Costi Hinn to answer if we will eat food in heaven and brings much clarity to this often-asked question.
The Vineyard Workers
In this episode, Costi Hinn unpacks Matthew 20:1-13 and the parable of the vineyard workers. In this passage, Jesus highlights the nature of God’s sovereign grace and His prerogative to save who He wants to, when He wants to, and use them however He wants to. This episode will be a great encouragement to those who may feel like a second-class citizen in Christ because they are late bloomers when it comes to salvation.
How Should We View Giving?
In this video, Randy Alcorn sits down with Costi Hinn to discuss the difference between holding on to what belongs to God and delivering it where it needs to go.
The Four Soils
In this episode, Costi Hinn explains the parable of the four soils (also called “parable of the sower”) in which Jesus delivers clear and convicting truth about human hearts and how they receive the seed of the Word. Many people don’t understand this parable, but Christ makes it easy to interpret as He provides His own explanation in Matthew 13:18-23.
Who Should Christians Vote For?
When it comes to the church, there seems to be this idea that politics shouldn't be talked about. In this video, Costi Hinn sits down with Brett Skinner to discuss how Christians should approach politics and voting.
The Pharisee and the Publican
In this episode, Costi Hinn explains the meaning of Jesus’ parable about two men who went up to the temple to pray one day. Themes in this episode include justification by faith, humility, repentance, self-righteousness, and salvation.
Angry Kids
Parents are instructed not to provoke their children to anger, as made clear in Paul's letter to the Ephesians. How do we know if we are guilty of this? In this video, Costi Hinn outlines five ways parents provoke their children to anger.
The Prodigal Son
In this episode, Costi Hinn continues his series through the parables by unpacking truths from Jesus' teaching on the prodigal son that speak to lost souls and religious hypocrites. Themes include sin, repentance, grace, self-righteousness, and forgiveness. Whether you're a long-time Christian or new to faith, the lessons from this parable will bring you back to the foundation of salvation and God's love for us.
Natural Theology
As Christians, we base our lives on the Bible. In addition to learning about who God is and what He has done through the Bible, we also learn about Him through His creation, which is called natural theology. In this video, Nathan LeMaster turns to Job and Romans to explore what God reveals about Himself through His creation.
Testing Prophecy
It's so important to test every single person who claims to be a prophet against the Scriptures. In this video, Costi Hinn breaks down Dr. Nathan Busenitz's three tests of biblical prophecy pulled straight from Scripture.
The Ten Virgins
Some people are ready for Christ to return or call them home, and some are not. Some people are living for themselves but think they are saved, while others are humbly living their life for God’s glory. In the parable of “The Ten Virgins” Jesus arrests the eternal perspective of His audience by showcasing how once the Lord returns, it will be too late to be saved. Today is the day of salvation.
America's Bible Verse?
2 Chronicles 7:14 is often taken out of context and superimposed on modern countries as a call for change, especially in the USA. In this video, Andrew Curry dives into the original context and teaches us how to approach this text the right way.
The Unforgiving Servant
Jesus warns us to be careful of being unforgiving in light of how forgiven we are. In this episode Costi Hinn unpacks the parable of “The Unforgiving Servant” and reminds us why all Christians forgive, and clarifies what forgiveness is not.
Goodness of God
In this video, Ryan Day gives us a biblical understanding of God’s goodness and outlines three ways God displays His goodness to believers.