Inspire & Inform
Theology, interviews, conversations, classes and more that will inform and inspire godly living.
What is Jesus Doing Now?
We rightly think about what Jesus has done in His life, death, and resurrection, but have you ever wondered what Jesus is doing right now? In this video, Paul Pitts answers this question and talks about the comfort that we have in Jesus' intercession for us.
The Rich Fool
In this episode, Costi Hinn unpacks the parable of “The Rich Fool” and gives us truths to apply from Jesus’ warnings about trusting in riches.
Should Christians Be in Debt?
In this video, Randy Alcorn discusses with Costi Hinn how Christians should view their relationship with debt and the importance of not hindering one's ability to give.
Money Shouldn’t Be Your Master
When it comes to stewardship, it doesn't matter how much you have, what matters is what you do with what you have. In this video, Brett Skinner turns to the story of the rich young ruler to address the topic of stewardship and deciphering if money is your master.
How to Interpret the Parables
In this new 8-part series, Costi Hinn walks through several key parables and teaches how to interpret them. Whether by allegorizing them or misapplying them, many people miss the point of one of Jesus' most prominent teaching tools. This series will make you more confident and knowledgeable in your understanding of parables and help you apply them faithfully in your walk with the Lord.
Growing Close to God Through Loss w/ Tim Challies
In this 3-part series, Costi Hinn interviews pastor and author Tim Challies about the loss of his son, Nick, who was called home to the Lord suddenly in 2020. In the final episode of the series, Tim reflects on how he was brought closer to the Lord in the midst of such a tragic and unthinkable season of loss.
What Does the Bible Mean to Me?
In this video, Andrew Curry explains the importance of knowing the mind of God in Scripture and getting to the true purpose of the text rather than man's opinion of what it means to them.
Understanding Redemption This Easter
Easter is a wonderful time of reflection and celebration for those who have been redeemed by Christ. In this video, Brett Skinner shares some key texts in Scripture that help us understand the significance of redemption, why we need it, and how it shapes our lives as Christians.
God's Goodness & Losing a Child w/ Tim Challies
In this 3-part series, Costi Hinn interviews pastor and author, Tim Challies, about the loss of his son, Nick, who was called home to the Lord suddenly in 2020. In part 2 of this series, Costi and Tim continue their deep dive into the Challies family story and the aftermath of losing Nick while tackling key questions about God's goodness, sovereignty, grief, and suffering as a Christian.
Why Is It Important For Christians To Renew Their Mind?
In this video, Jonny Ardavanis discusses the battle for the mind with Costi Hinn and shares the need for the progressive renewing that takes place when Christians submit themselves to Scripture in order to properly equip themselves for the fight against the flesh.
Seasons of Sorrow w/ Tim Challies
In this 3-part series Costi Hinn interviews pastor and author, Tim Challies, about the loss of his son, Nick, in 2020. Nick was a young man on the pathway to ministry and deeply loved by his family. He was engaged to Ryn, enjoying life, and going to school at Boyce College (Southern Seminary) when the Lord called him home suddenly. Tim has always been known for his faithful teaching and writing ministry (, but the Lord has seen fit to add a "ministry of sorrow" to Tim's life. This series will take a deep dive into the Challies family story, the aftermath of losing Nick, big questions about God's goodness, sovereignty, grief, and suffering as a Christian.
How to Deal with Mourning w/ Randy Alcorn
In this video, Randy Alcorn, founder of Eternal Perspective Ministries, shares with Costi Hinn the biblical way for Christians to avoid being trapped in grief during seasons of mourning and reminds us of the hope we have in the gospel.
Why Are You Dispensational? w/ Abner Chou
In this video, Abner Chou, president of The Master's University and Seminary, shares with Costi Hinn why he holds a dispensational view and addresses the common caricatures associated with this viewpoint.
6 Bricks for a Life of Self-Control
In this final episode of the self-control series, Costi Hinn walks you through 6 bricks to build a life of self-control from Dai Hankey’s book, “A Man’s Greatest Challenge.” These bricks apply to every Christian, whether you are a man or a woman, and the secret to self-control is rooted in one key truth that he covers at the end of this episode.
Lessons from Paul on Self-Control
In part 4 of the self-control series, Costi Hinn teaches through 1 Corinthians 9:23-27 and provides 6 truths about how Paul the apostle lived his life and exercised self-control for the sake of the gospel. He did everything with purpose and on purpose — for the glory of God. Grab your Bible for this episode, and be challenged to live in a way that honors the One who saved your soul.
Why Are Christians Called To Redeem Their Time?
We know our time is both short and uncertain, but does this shape how we live our lives? In this video, Jonny Ardavanis addresses the topic of how Christians should use their time effectively and efficiently for the glory of God.
The Christian’s Relationship to the Mosaic Law
The Mosaic Law has become increasingly misunderstood in recent years. In this video, Nathan LeMaster touches on the importance and purpose of the Mosaic Law and explains our relationship to it as believers.
Lessons from Jesus on Self-Control
In this episode, Costi Hinn takes you to several key passages of Scripture to break down 5 truths from the life of Christ and how He is our perfect model for self-control. While Christians will not be perfect like Christ, they have the power to grow in self-control because they are in Christ.
Anointing With Oil
In this video, Costi Hinn shares how to think biblically about one of the most fascinating and bizarre practices in the charismatic movement: anointing people, objects, and places with oil.
Self-Control War Zones
In sports, teams gather scouting reports about opposing teams to go into a game with a strategy for facing their opponent. They study patterns and tendencies which help them predict what the other team might do. Like in sports, a scouting report on challenging environments can help Christians go in with “eyes wide open,” and develop a strategy for winning the spiritual battle. In this episode, Costi Hinn continues his series on self-control by walking you through 5 self-control war zones. These are items or environments that can be good things but are not neutral in our battle for self-control. In addition, he unpacks 4 responses to these war zones.