Inspire & Inform
Theology, interviews, conversations, classes and more that will inform and inspire godly living.
Why Are You Premillennial?
In this video, Abner Chou, president of The Master's University and Seminary, shares with Costi Hinn why he holds to a premillennial view of eschatology and addresses the common caricatures of this viewpoint.
What is Ash Wednesday?
It's Ash Wednesday, which means the 40 days of Lent have officially begun. In this video, Brett Skinner answers the question, "What is Ash Wednesday?", and addresses the Christian's liberty in participating.
5 Self-Control Breakers
In this first episode of a 5-part series on self-control, Costi Hinn walks you through 5 "breakers" that can bring down the walls of your self-control, and 4 responses that will help bear this important fruit of the Spirit.
The King Who Found His Self-Control w/ Christyne Hinn
Join Costi and his wife, Christyne, as they talk about why they wrote their new children’s book, “The King Who Found His Self-Control." In addition, they talk about life in the trenches as young parents, how to move from “hanging fruit on trees” to planting gospel seeds of truth in your kids, and the importance of the gospel. They share details on how they wrote the book, along with how you can take the step as a family when it comes to self-control.
5 Ways We Misrepresent the Holy Spirit
There's so much confusion about the Holy Spirit these days. In this video, Costi Hinn shares five ways the Holy Spirit is often misrepresented and how Scripture provides clarity on these issues. Let the Bible define your doctrinal beliefs about the Holy Spirit, not experience and emotion.
What is the Role of Men in the Church? w/ Travis Allen
What does God expect of men in the church? If not all men are pastors, what significant role can they play? How should the priority of the local church permeate a man’s life? In this final episode of the manhood series Costi Hinn asks pastor and former Navy Seal, Travis Allen, to help men from all walks of life understand and embrace their role in the local church.
The Truth About Speaking in Tongues
In the latest installment of “Filtered with Costi Hinn,” he explains why the modern-day use of tongues is built on a shaky foundation. He covers a definition of tongues, a history of tongues, and a word about Pentecostals. Let’s filter everything through Scripture!
What Does This Text Mean? Philippians 4:13
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me," is often quoted and claimed by many entering a challenge or sporting event. In this video, Andrew Curry from The Master's Seminary explains to Costi Hinn the context of this verse and how Philippians 4:13 can truly encourage the believer.
How Should Men Protect Their Families? w/ Travis Allen
Is it a sin to kill an intruder who breaks into your home to harm your wife and/or children? Does Christ call men to be passive or aggressive when it comes to home protection? In episode 4 of this manhood series, Costi Hinn asks pastor and former Navy Seal, Travis Allen, to break down a biblically balanced view on self-defense, home protection, and caring for our families.
Literal, Grammatical, Historical Hermeneutic
There is a way to approach the Bible that many scholars and theologians would say is the most accurate and helpful for keeping the train on the tracks when it comes to trying to interpret the Bible. In this video, Andrew Curry from The Master's Seminary explains to Costi Hinn what the literal, grammatical, historical method is and why it is important.
How Should Christians View Money?
Money can easily take the place of God in many people's hearts. In this video, Randy Alcorn, founder of Eternal Perspective Ministries, shares with Costi Hinn how Christians should view money and use it to glorify the Lord.
What is the Role of Men in the Home? w/ Travis Allen
In episode 3 of this manhood series, Costi Hinn asks pastor and former Navy Seal, Travis Allen, about the role of men in the home. From spiritual leadership, to provision and protection, this episode will help every man embrace his God-given role within marriage and family.
The Gospel, New Years, & Your Body
80% of New Year's resolutions involve the body. Many hold their bodies as an object of self-glorification or self-hatred and use them as sources of sins. The world wants you to be body-obsessed, seeing your body as the most definitive thing about you, or in body-denial, viewing your body as irrelevant to who you really are. In this video, Paul Pitts III shares how believers can think biblically about their bodies in light of creation, the fall, redemption & glorification.
What Are the Traits of a Biblical Man?
In episode two of this manhood series, Costi Hinn asks pastor and former Navy Seal, Travis Allen, to break down the traits of a biblical man. Using Genesis 1-3, Travis unveils key distinctions that God has made between men and women, and the unique calling God has placed on men in the world He created.
The Goodness of God & the Problem of Evil
In this video, Jesse Randolph shares Scripture's answer to one of the most common questions against Christianity: How can evil exist in a world that was created by and is upheld by a good God?
You Don't Need A Bucket List
In this video, Randy Alcorn, founder of Eternal Perspective Ministries, shares with Costi Hinn why the believer doesn't need a bucket list. Rather, the Christian can look forward to an incredible new earth to come!
Misguided Manhood w/ Travis Allen
In this new 5-part series, Costi Hinn interviews pastor and former Navy Seal, Travis Allen, about the misguided ideas about manhood and unpacks why men like Joe Rogan, Jordan Petersen, and David Goggins represent attractive versions of manhood. Ultimately, this episode speaks to the way God has wired men and how that should be shaped by the Spirit and not the flesh.
As the year ends, many are considering what New Year's resolutions to strive for in 2024. In this video, Albert Kilgore shares the key spiritual resolutions Christians should prioritize this new year.
Behind the Scenes at For the Gospel
In this final episode of the year, Costi Hinn takes you behind the scenes at what God has done in 2023 at For the Gospel, along with financial updates, content previews for 2024, and how we’re structured long-term. If you’ve wondered about the impact of our ministry or where we’re heading, this episode has everything you need!
The Importance of Prayer in Bible Reading
In this video, Andrew Curry from The Master's Seminary shares with Costi Hinn why prayer is vital before studying the Word.