Inspire & Inform
Theology, interviews, conversations, classes and more that will inform and inspire godly living.
Was the Virgin Birth Necessary?
In this video, Paul Pitts III shares three reasons why the virgin birth matters and was absolutely necessary, a worthwhile contemplation for all believers this Christmas season.
5 Priorities for a Winning Christmas: LOVE
In this final part of our Christmas series, Costi Hinn unpacks the priority of love by walking you through 1 John 2:7-11. During Christmas, it can be challenging to maintain a heart of love because of family dynamics, pressure from work, or a chaotic calendar. Yet as Christians, we have an incredible opportunity to reflect the love of Christ to both fellow believers and the lost who are in need of salvation.
Is It Biblical to Spank Your Child?
It's becoming so hard to find biblical counseling on if and how to spank children. In this video, Tony and Bre Wood share the four clear commands Scripture gives to parents to bring clarity on God's design for loving discipline in the home.
5 Priorities for a Winning Christmas: ETERNITY
In part 4 of our Christmas series, Costi Hinn outlines 4 terms that will help you focus on eternity this Christmas! Whether Christmas is filled with the distraction of material blessings this year, or the burden of trials, the truths in this episode will shift your eyes towards Christ and the joy of a future in His presence. The episode includes a clip from Randy Alcorn on eternal perspective.
Staying Gospel-Centered This Christmas
It's easy to get caught up in the fast pace of the Christmas season and forget to reflect on what the celebration is all about. In this video, Costi Hinn shares For the Gospel's commitment to keeping you centered on Christ this Christmas!
5 Priorities for a Winning Christmas: GENEROSITY
In this episode, Costi Hinn unpacks the 3rd priority for a winning Christmas by providing you with a theology of generosity. He outlines practical ways to view money, avoid materialism, and enjoy the good gifts God gives us!
Why is Correct Interpretation of the Bible So Important?
Many Christians read the Bible for what it "means to them" in their current circumstance. Are they missing something? In this video, Andrew Curry from The Master's Seminary shares with Costi Hinn why correct interpretation is vital when reading the Bible.
5 Priorities for a Winning Christmas: FAMILY
In this episode, Costi Hinn continues his Christmas series with a focus on family! During the Advent season, the rat race of pleasing people and special events can quickly put the family on the back burner. This episode will highlight the importance of prioritizing family and saying "no" to good things in order to focus on greater things.
Transform How You Think
How we steward our minds is crucial for the Christian life. Every thought is an opportunity for worship and love. In this video, Paul Pitts III walks through six biblical commands to "consider" that will transform how you think.
What Does This Text Mean? Matthew 7:1
"Judge not, lest you be judged" is often thrown out to deflect personal rebuke or stop false teachers' exposure. In this video, Andrew Curry from The Master's Seminary shares with Costi Hinn why the context of Jesus' words shows a call to personal holiness.
5 Priorities for a Winning Christmas: CHRIST
In this episode, Costi Hinn kicks off a brand new Christmas series and walks through the first of five priorities for a “winning” Christmas. He defines what it means to win during the Advent season and also provides cautionary wisdom about ways we miss Christ in our Christmas, and five practical ways to keep Christ as the center!
Should Unbelievers Be Comfortable in the Church?
Should unbelievers be comfortable in the church? In this video, Costi Hinn explains why the church should be welcoming to guests but unashamedly different than the world.
Listener Questions on God’s Will
In this episode, Costi Hinn answers the top 10 questions we’ve received on God’s will and explains each one in light of what Scripture teaches. The questions include topics like the death of babies, who to marry, moving to other places, predestination, and more!
The Biblical Command of Thanksgiving
1 Thessalonians 5:18 commands, "In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus." In this video, Nathan LeMaster from The Master's Seminary unpacks how believers can give thanks in times of gladness and trial.
Is It Always God’s Will To Heal You?
In this episode, Costi Hinn provides clarity on one of the most common questions we get as a ministry. God’s will and healing are twisted by faith healers and spiritual abusers who seek to heap burdens on people who need comforting truth. To get healed, do you just need more faith? Does giving money make God provide miracles? This episode will provide biblical truth on this important aspect of God’s will.
Catholic vs. Biblical View of Saints
November 1st is All Saints Day in the Roman Catholic Church. In this video, Paul Pitts III explains why All Saints Day finds no alignment with the Bible and undermines the beauty of the gospel.
How to Know God’s Will For Your Life
In this episode, Costi Hinn breaks down the 5’s of God’s will as explicitly mentioned in Scripture. Over the years, many theologians and pastors have used these passages to help Christians see that when they live according to what Scripture says, they will always find themselves aligned with God’s will. Book recommendation in this episode: "Found: God’s Will” by John MacArthur.
What Does This Text Mean? Jeremiah 29:11
Many people will put Jeremiah 29:11 somewhere in their home or on social media, or claim it as their life verse, desiring the prosperous life it seems to promise. In this video, Andrew Curry from The Master's Seminary shares with Costi Hinn what this verse actually means in context and how the believer can be encouraged to trust our faithful God.
The Error of Postmillennial Theology
Revelation 20 speaks of a thousand years in which Satan is bound and Christ reigns. This passage, among other biblical texts, has created debate as to how to interpret this millennium. In this video, Nathan LeMasterAssistant Professor of Old Testament at The Master's Seminary, outlines the three major views of the millennium and what they mean for the church.
God’s Will in Salvation
In this episode, Costi Hinn continues the series on God’s will by unpacking God’s will in salvation. Using Ephesians 1:3-6 he showcases how God’s not absent from our salvation, nor is He out of the equation when it comes to who gets saved. God is sovereign and His will very much includes who is saved, when they are saved, and that they stay saved. The doctrine of “election” comes up in this episode as does the doctrine of “adoption.”