Psalm 127 heralds, “Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward.” Yet for many couples, God’s timing and plan look much different than they expected. In this deeply personal article, Greg Sukert shares the foundational truths that have anchored him and his wife during their experience with infertility.
Unfortunately, many Christians are uninterested and uneducated in utilizing video to reach their friends and family with the gospel. This is a tragedy given all of the unbelievers who are using social media to plunge this generation into darkness. On the other side of the spectrum, there is another error that is easy to fall into it. Social media is designed to create an addiction to attention, so Christians must be on guard not to use social media for their own glory.
Stories are an essential part of being made in the image of God. Everyone has a story, and God gifts us with storytelling abilities. Most notably, every single one of us exists in the most significant story of all: God’s redemptive story. As people redeemed by God, there is nothing more important than worshipping God by declaring His story of redemption to others.
Our world is deeply fallen. In the midst of our pain and fallenness, voices are crying out for social reform, for economic redistribution, and for major institutional changes to the educational system and law enforcement. After thousands of years of human history, our world is still blinded to the reality that the heart of the problem is the problem of the heart.
I’ll never forget the moment when Pastor Matt burst through my office saying, “Greg, we’ve got to go! There’s an active shooter down the street at our local grocery store.”
The first question I asked was, “Are they detained?” To which he responded, “Don’t know. Let’s go serve our city!”