Inspire & Inform
Theology, interviews, conversations, classes and more that will inform and inspire godly living.
Resolution: Strategize Your Time
To kick off the year, we're launching a podcast series designed to transform your life! In the first episode, Costi Hinn shares 9 powerful strategies for managing your time wisely, helping you honor God by using your time according to His calling.
Pornography Will Destroy Your Home
One of the most destructive things in our culture today is pornography. In this video, Costi Hinn outlines the devastating effects of pornography and encourages Christians to go on the offense against sexual sin.
Using Technology to Advance the Gospel
In this episode, Costi Hinn explains the heart behind the mission of translating For The Gospel's content into Spanish with the launch of our new page Para El Evangelio.
Toxic Masculinity
In this video, Owen Strachan sits down with Costi Hinn to discuss the highly-debated topic of toxic masculinity and calls men to be strong in all areas of their lives, which can only begin by acknowledging their weakness and need for a strong Savior.
The Final Episode (of 2024)
In the final podcast episode of 2024, Costi Hinn recaps what the Lord has done in this record-breaking year for FTG and outlines what is in store for the ministry in 2025.
How to Choose a Local Church
In this video, Costi Hinn and Josh Buice, founder and president of G3 Ministries, sit down to talk about how to choose a local church and provide wisdom for identifying and navigating primary and secondary issues.
What Jesus’ Birth Means for You
In this episode, Costi Hinn considers the hope found in the words of Isaiah 9:6-7 and reflects on what the birth of Christ means for us.
Modesty (w/ Brianna Harris)
It seems to be increasingly difficult for Christian women to navigate the pressures of such an image-driven culture. In this video, Brianna Harris defines true modesty, which goes beyond what you put on your body.
Why Did Mary Have to Be a Virgin?
One of the most important questions someone could ever ask is: Why is the Virgin Birth an essential Christian belief? Costi Hinn continues his Christmas podcast series by answering this question and highlights important truths as he walks through Matthew 1:18-25.
Discipleship is “All In” on Jesus
Jesus is not just a "cherry on top" to your already good life. True discipleship requires you to be "all in," which means nothing has you like Christ. This is modeled to us in Matthew 4, where we see radical selection, radical submission, and radical sacrifice
4 Reasons Jesus Was Born
This week, Costi Hinn kicks off a 3-week series that will help keep the hope and meaning of Christmas in the forefront of your mind. All three of these episodes will tie into essentials of the Christian faith that every follower of Jesus should know! The fact that God would enter humanity and take on flesh is not something to overlook, nor is it some religious fable. In this first episode, Costi Hinn covers four reasons Jesus was born, which coincide with four of His titles.
Your Kids and Gender
In this week's video, Costi Hinn and Owen Strachan tackle the topic of embracing God's design for gender roles.
Christmas, Anxiety, & Christ (w/ Jonny Ardavanis)
In this episode, Costi Hinn and Jonny Ardavanis talk about how to come alongside those who are hurting or filled with anxiety during the Christmas season and discuss practical ways to serve others and walk with people who might be silently suffering.
The Leaders of Our Worship (w/ Sovereign Grace Music)
Much of today’s music scene and worship culture in the church prioritizes talent over character. In many churches, the ability to sing or play with excellence exceeds the need for spiritual maturity, character, and in some cases, genuine conversion. In this episode, Bob Kauflin, Devon Kauflin, and David Zimmer sit down with Costi Hinn to talk about the importance of who should be on stage to lead worship in our churches, along with practical wisdom for the “mercenary” culture of the Christian music scene.
Should Christians Get Tattoos?
Although tattoos are common today, they can still be a bit of a divisive subject and people often wonder if it's wrong for Christians to have tattoos. In this video, Costi Hinn sits down to answer this question and discuss how believers should think through the topic of tattoos.
The Style of Our Worship (w/ Sovereign Grace Music)
Should a church turn the lights down, unleash the fog machine, and laser light the stage to help people have a more engaging worship experience? Does it matter if a worship service is presented in a trendy way? If creativity is a gift from God, should we limit how much we innovate when it comes to music and stylistic elements in a service? Does the Bible have principles we can use to govern the style of our worship services? These are important questions! In the third episode of our worship series with Sovereign Grace Music, we gain valuable wisdom on the style of a worship service.
Family Worship
Family worship has sadly become a lost spiritual discipline that is rarely seen in today's world. In this video, Dr. Joel Beeke advocates for the necessity of family worship and gives practical advice on how to effectively lead family worship.
Theology In Our Music (w/ Sovereign Grace Music)
It was John Piper who once said, "A congregation learns its theology by the songs they sing, not just by the preaching they hear.” Doctrine matters in our music, and it’s vital that churches and leaders think through more than just the sound of music, and ensure that the content of the music is biblically accurate. In this episode, Sovereign Grace Music leaders Bob Kauflin, Devon Kauflin, and David Zimmer highlight that the road to heresy in the worship music industry is often paved with good intentions.
Facing Fear, Doubt, and Worry
In the final video in our series on anxiety, Jonny Ardavanis sits down with Costi Hinn to talk about overcoming fear, doubt, and worry.