Inspire & Inform
Theology, interviews, conversations, classes and more that will inform and inspire godly living.
Theology In Our Music (w/ Sovereign Grace Music)
It was John Piper who once said, "A congregation learns its theology by the songs they sing, not just by the preaching they hear.” Doctrine matters in our music, and it’s vital that churches and leaders think through more than just the sound of music, and ensure that the content of the music is biblically accurate. In this episode, Sovereign Grace Music leaders Bob Kauflin, Devon Kauflin, and David Zimmer highlight that the road to heresy in the worship music industry is often paved with good intentions.
Facing Fear, Doubt, and Worry
In the final video in our series on anxiety, Jonny Ardavanis sits down with Costi Hinn to talk about overcoming fear, doubt, and worry.
The Expression of Our Worship (w/ Sovereign Grace Music)
Expression in worship can often be relegated to the extremes of “emotionalism” or “stoicism.” Some argue that raising our hands in a worship service is nothing more than charismatic disorder, while others insist that if you don’t cry or shout during worship you’ve not entered the holy of holies. In part 1 of this series on worship, Bob Kauflin, Devon Kauflin, and David Zimmer of Sovereign Grace Music sit down with Costi Hinn to think biblical about how we express ourselves in worship so that we avoid extremes and joyfully worship God in spirit and truth.
Biblical Discipline
In this video, Chris Hamilton continues his conversation with Costi Hinn on biblical parenting and covers the important topic of disciplining your children.
How to Share the Gospel
In this week's podcast episode, Costi Hinn gives practical wisdom about the essentials of sharing the gospel and counsels on how to create and make the most of opportunities that will change someone's life.
Hope For The Hurting
In this video, Jonny Ardavanis sits down with Costi Hinn to focus on helping people shift their perspective towards heaven in the midst of navigating trying times.
The Devastating Effects of the Prosperity Gospel in Africa (w/ Conrad Mbewe)
In this special episode of the For The Gospel podcast, Conrad Mbewe sits down with Costi Hinn at the Ark Encounter in Williamstown, KY to talk about the exportation of the prosperity gospel from North America to Africa and the havoc it wreaks as it continues to spread like wildfire.
Principles for Christian Parenting (Continued)
In this video, Chris Hamilton continues his conversation with Costi Hinn about the biblical approach to parenting and explores practical application of biblical parenting principles.
What The Gospel Is Not
As a ministry that focuses on the truth… we are for the gospel. But by the very definition of being for something, that means we are then against what contradicts what we are for. In light of this, Costi Hinn continues his series on the gospel by exposing five common ways the gospel gets distorted and turns to the Bible for the truth.
The Sovereignty of God
In this video, Jonny Ardavanis continues his conversation about anxiety with Costi Hinn by shifting the focus to God's sovereignty and character, which is the root of the remedy for anxiety.
What Is the Gospel?
In this episode, Costi Hinn kicks off a brand new series on the gospel that will strengthen your ability to share it with others.
Principles for Christian Parenting
In the second video of our parenting series, Chris Hamilton turns to Deuteronomy 6 to lay the foundation for a biblical approach to shepherding your family.
Q&A: Sexual Sin
This week on the For The Gospel Podcast, Costi Hinn answers your questions about sexual sin to close out his latest podcast series.
Medication and the Mind
In this video, Jonny Ardavanis, pastor of Stonebridge Bible Church in Franklin, TN and president of Dial In Ministries, sits down with Costi Hinn for the next episode of their series on anxiety to discuss the mind, medication, and God's mercy.
How To Fight Sexual Sin
In this episode, Costi Hinn turns to Matthew 5 to talk about cutting off the avenues that leave you open to temptation and the importance of staying vigilant in the battle against sexual sin.
Pitfalls of Christian Parenting
In this video, Chris Hamilton sits down with Costi Hinn to kick off a new series on parenting and discusses some of the pitfalls that are commonly seen when raising children in a Christian household.
Waging War On Porn (feat. Owen Strachan)
In this episode, Owen Strachan sits down with Costi Hinn to talk about strategies to effectively wage war against pornography, which is one of Satan's biggest tools to lure people to the destruction that sexual sin brings and has become increasingly prevalent in this generation.
God's Control in a World of Chaos
In this video, Jonny Ardavanis, Pastor of Stonebridge Bible Church in Franklin, TN and President of Dial In Ministries, sits down with Costi Hinn to start a new series covering anxiety, fear, depression, and the character of God.
Don’t Flirt With Sexual Sin, Flee It!
In this episode, Costi Hinn covers two foundational truths that are essential for waging war against sexual sin and then provides two strategies for successfully battling temptation and lust.
A Theology of Fun
In this video, Jeremy Vuolo sits down with Costi Hinn to explore the theology of fun and how enjoying the amazing gifts that God gives us and having fun is actually tied to worship.