Inspire & Inform
Theology, interviews, conversations, classes and more that will inform and inspire godly living.
How to Maximize Your Easter
This series continues as Costi Hinn helps you focus on Christ and breaks down 5 practical ways to maximize your Easter. There are plenty of traditions and good things to enjoy each year, but the believer in Jesus aims to glory in the greatest thing.
Attributes of God: Omnipresence
The Bible teaches us that God is present everywhere at the same time. In this video, Ryan Day unpacks why this remarkable truth is not just theoretical, it’s personal.
How the World Hijacks Our Easter
In this episode, Costi Hinn walks you through 3 ways this world attempts to hijack our Easter. Believers are in the world but not of the world, and we should prioritize our lives and important seasons accordingly. Easter is a high watermark of the Christian calendar, don't spiritually sleepwalk your way through it.
Dial In featuring Brianna Harris: Can I be content in my singleness?
In this episode, Jonny Ardavanis sits down with Brianna Harris, the Dean of Women at The Master’s University and asks her about singleness. In this episode, Brianna addresses a number of the misconceptions regarding singleness and helps us find the balance between continuing to pray that God would grant a spouse, while at the same time remaining content in our singleness.
The Parable of the 4 Soils Explained
Many seeker-sensitive preachers will teach that the Four Soils are the four stages of the Christian life, often to lessen the harshness of Christ's words in that parable. In the video, Costi Hinn explains the meaning of this parable and why it's so important to get it correct.
Revival (Part 3): What Are the Marks of False Revival?
In this episode, the “Revival” series culminates as Costi Hinn walks you through the marks of false revival. The Bible is clear that believers are in a spiritual war and Satan seeks to undermine and distract the church from its mission. Furthermore, darkness uses deception to mislead people and keep them blinded from the truth. Discernment is one of the believer’s most important spiritual tools. This episode will provide you with key truths that will equip you to rightly discern false revival.
The Gospel
What is the gospel, and why is it such good news? In this video, Brett Skinner outlines the key elements of the glorious gospel.
Revival (Part 2): What Are the Marks of True Revival?
In part two of this series on revival, Costi Hinn walks you through a history of revival from The Great Awakening, to the Protestant Reformation, to the early church in the book of Acts. He lays out 8 clear marks of true revival to help you understand how the Spirit of God works consistently throughout the ages.
The Attributes of God: Wrath
Although many pulpits focus on the love of God, it is vital for believers (and unbelievers) to understand God’s wrath. In this video, Desmond Outlaw outlines key aspects of God’s wrath.
How to Identify False Teachers if You Don’t Know the Truth
It is vital for Christians to know the fundamentals of the faith and listen to those who teach these truths faithfully. In this video, Costi Hinn explains how the believer can develop discernment.
How To Be Humble
The Christian should be marked by humility. In this video, Desmond Outlaw unpacks how Romans 12:3 provides believers with a helpful description of true humility – a sober and accurate view of self.
An Interview on Special Needs
In this episode of the For the Gospel Podcast, Costi Hinn sits down with special needs parents, Ryan & Shainah Shackelford, and they share their story, provide practical wisdom on special needs parenting, and offer encouragement to parents who may be expecting a special needs child. The special needs community is near and dear to our hearts at For the Gospel. This episode will equip you to love, serve, and grow with them!
The Holiness of God
Christianity is about knowing God. In the video, Costi Hinn explains how grasping the holiness of God leads believers to understand His other attributes, all expressed in perfect holiness.
Spiritual Disciplines: How to Kill Laziness & Thrive
In this episode, Costi Hinn interviews the Founder of Redeeming Productivity and For the Gospel contributor, Reagan Rose. This episode will help you establish the right habits and understand what a "P-O-W-E-R" morning routine looks like. If you're going to see a long-term pattern of healthy spiritual discipline, you need to declare war on laziness. This episode will help!
What Does it Mean to Bear Fruit?
In this video, Brett Skinner shares where the term “bear fruit” comes from and three ways believers should see this “fruit” in their lives.
Dial In featuring Nathan Busenitz - Deconstruction
In this episode, Nathan Busenitz, Executive Vice President, Dean of Faculty, & Associate Professor of Theology at The Master’s Seminary, answers the question, “What is deconstruction?”
The Beautiful Mercy of God
“Oh, give thanks to the LORD, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever.” - Psalms 136:1
In this video, Costi Hinn reflects on the wondrous mercy of God in light of what sinful man deserves and what great riches He has given.
Attributes of God: Grace
What is grace? In this video, Desmond Outlaw unpacks the beauty of grace and the awe-inspiring truth that God has chosen to show grace to His children.
Dial In Featuring Brianna Harris on the Respectable Sin of Gossip
In this episode, Brianna Harris, the Dean of Women at The Master's University, discusses women and sexual purity.
Make This Your New Year’s Resolution
As each year comes to a close, many look to set resolutions and goals for the next 365 days. In this video, Costi Hinn shares insight from J.C. Ryle’s book, Practical Religion, on one focus every believer ought to have in 2023.