Inspire & Inform
Theology, interviews, conversations, classes and more that will inform and inspire godly living.
Why is it a Sin to be Gay, Trans, or Non-binary?
Gender and marriage have been corrupted by sinful societies since the Old Testament. Believers are called to hold the line for truth in this vital arena. In this video, Jesse Randolph outlines the Bible’s clear stance on this topic throughout scripture and reminds the Christian of their call to evangelize to those lost in the sinful LGBTQ+ community.
Should I Date a Non-Christian?
Is it okay for a believer to date a non-Christian? In this video, Anthony Wood answers by providing a Biblical overview of “dating” and the core nature of unbelievers.
Doctrine Explained: The Holy Spirit
Who is the Holy Spirit? In this video, Jonny Ardavanis, Dean of Campus Life at The Master’s University and host of the Dial In Podcast unpacks what the Bible has to say about this often misunderstood member of the Trinity.
When the Healing Doesn't Happen
When facing illness, one can often be left with the question: what do I do when healing doesn’t happen? In this video, Costi Hinn answers.
Two Views on Healing You Should Always Avoid
Two extreme views on divine healing tend to make the most noise in the church today. In this video, Costi Hinn walks through both and details what God’s Word has to say about the miraculous.
Is It Always God's Will To Heal Right Now?
The answer to the question, “Is It Always God’s Will To Heal Right Now?”, has been twisted into abusive and greedy practices throughout evangelicalism. In this video, Costi Hinn lays out Scripture’s clear answer.
Why Are There Verses Missing From My ESV?
Dr. Peter Gurry from the Phoenix Seminary answers why there are verses in older translations of the Bible that are not in most modern translations.
Is Cussing A Sin?
Four letter words flood the vocabulary of today’s society, even from the youngest ages. But how are God’s people called to speak? In this video, Albert Kilgore from Mission Bible Church East Valley answers from the truth of Scripture.
How Did We Get So Many Different Denominations?
The staggering reality that there are 42,000 denominations in North America leaves many scratching their heads in disbelief. Brian Arnold from the Phoenix Seminary answers the question: How did we get so many denominations?
Is Homosexuality a Sin?
Society demands the acceptance and praise of the LGBTQ+ community. Many argue that a truly “loving” Christian would support homosexuality. But what does God’s Word have to say on the matter? In this video, Albert Kilgore from Mission Bible Church East Valley answers.
Confessions of an Ex Seeker-Driven Preacher
In this interview by Costi Hinn, Anthony Wood walks through how the Lord graciously used His Word to transform Mission Bible Church from a seeker-focused ministry to a church with an unwavering commitment to the truth of Scripture.
Doctrine Explained: Jesus Christ
The person, redemptive work, and continual mediation of Jesus Christ are the foundation of the Christian faith. In this video, Ryan Day, pastor at Revolve Bible Church, outlines 5 realities of who Jesus Christ is and why they are powerful in the believer’s life.
Why Do Some Christians Commit Suicide?
Christians live in a fallen world, with mounting pressures and times of deep sorrow. Through Christ, the believer can cling to the hope of eternal reconciliation to God, trust in His faithfulness, and rest in His sovereignty. Sadly, sometimes Christians find themselves lost in despair to the point of that final act. In this video, Jesse Randolph answers this somber question with truth from Scripture.
4 Features of a Husband's True Love
Christian men are called to love their wives as Christ loved the church. A high calling indeed. In this video, Anthony Wood shares four marks of a husband’s true love for his wife.
5 Traits of a Godly Wife
Home can be a place of chaos and disorder for many, even Christians. In this video, Bre Wood lays out 5 traits of a godly wife from scripture that bring order & joy by aligning the Christian wife under the Lord, His Word, and her husband.
Doctrine Explained: Justification by Faith
Does man contribute to his salvation? Is there anything that he brings to the “table”? In this video, Jonny Ardavanis from The Master's University works through the crucial Christian doctrine of justification by faith.
Why in the World Should We Read Church History?
With so many helpful books and studies to equip and enrich the Christian’s walk, is taking the time to read church history worth it? In this video, Dr. Brian Arnold, President & Associate Professor of Theology at the Phoenix Seminary, explains how knowing the history of the faith encourages and helps saints today.
Doctrine Explained: Sovereignty
Is God truly sovereign over all things? Or are there some things out of His control? In this installment of the Doctrine Explained series, Ryan Day from Revolve Bible Church unpacks seven reasons why it is vital for the believer to embrace the doctrine of the sovereignty of God.
Why Pray if God is Sovereign?
Many Christians ask, “If God is sovereign, why should I pray?” In this video, Jesse Randolph answers, walking through how each element of the A.C.T.S. prayer method is heightened with a right view of God’s sovereignty.
How Can I Know the Will of God?
Many Christians rightly ask, “How can I know the will of God?” In this video, Anthony Wood outlines the two types of God’s Will and how the believer can respond in faithful obedience.