
Inspire & Inform

Theology, interviews, conversations, classes and more that will inform and inspire godly living.

Christian Life Costi Hinn Christian Life Costi Hinn

Holiness vs. Pietism

In this video, Jeremy Vuolo sits down with Costi Hinn to define and discuss the difference between holiness and pietism. As Jeremy dives into the history of the pietistic movement, he traces the effects of this movement to today, where we see a toxic hyper-focus on the individual that leads to either spiritual elitism or spiritual uncertainty as a result of an extra-biblical definition of what it means to be holy.

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Christian Life Costi Hinn Christian Life Costi Hinn

Decision Making

Jeremy Vuolo sits down with Costi Hinn to talk about the importance of decisions, how to approach making decisions, and more specifically, how Christians should approach the pressure of decision making.

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Christian Life Costi Hinn Christian Life Costi Hinn

Can a Christian Be Gay?

It's not uncommon today for people to claim Jesus never specified that homosexuality is a sin and therefore it's ok to be a gay Christian. In this video, Costi Hinn clears up the error in this statement and points out that Jesus never had to say homosexuality is a sin because He affirmed God's design and definition of marriage.

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Christian Life Costi Hinn Christian Life Costi Hinn

False Binary: How Parents Should Respond to Their LGBTQ Children

Christian parents with LGBTQ children are often crippled by the false premise that if they don't accept their child's sinful choices, then the only other option is that their child will self-harm or even take their own life and it is their fault. In this video, Costi Hinn addresses this manipulative false binary and explains that there are other options. We can lovingly hold to the truth and trust in the power of God's Word.

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Christian Life Costi Hinn Christian Life Costi Hinn

Can Teens Handle Deep Doctrine?

It's all too common for people to assume teenagers can't handle doctrine. In this video, Costi Hinn addresses this false premise and explains that teens, and even kids, are more than capable of handling doctrine. Doctrine elevates worship and teaching doctrine to your children will allow them to grow in joy because they are growing in the knowledge of God.

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Christian Life Costi Hinn Christian Life Costi Hinn

Don’t Force Marital Intimacy

1 Corinthians 7:3-5 is one of the most abused passages in the Bible and has been wrongly used by some to try to coerce their spouse into "forced" marital relations. In this video, Costi Hinn discusses mutual consent within marriage, dives into the original context of the passage, and gets to the true intention of Paul's words that were written under inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

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Christian Life Jesse Randolph Christian Life Jesse Randolph

How Should You Make Peace?

There is a major difference between peacekeepers and peacemakers. The concept of keeping the peace comes from the world and the concept of making peace comes from the Lord. In this video, Jesse Randolph lays out common conflict avoidance strategies the world promotes and compares them with biblical conflict resolution strategies.

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Christian Life Paul Pitts III Christian Life Paul Pitts III

To Die Is Gain

Even though death is a defeated foe for the Christian, it is still hard for the person dying and for the loved ones left behind. In this video, Paul Pitts gives two truths that will help Christians grieve as ones who have hope, as instructed in 1 Thessalonians 4:13.

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Christian Life Andrew Curry Christian Life Andrew Curry

Galatians & Gender Roles

Galatians 3:28 is often misinterpreted to eliminate gender roles and reduce the very concept of gender to a social construct. In this video, Andrew Curry examines the text with proper context, reinforces the need to use Scripture to check Scripture, and rejoices in the true meaning of the text which displays the glory of atonement and the fact that there are no second class citizens in the kingdom of heaven.

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Christian Life Costi Hinn Christian Life Costi Hinn

Angry Kids

Parents are instructed not to provoke their children to anger, as made clear in Paul's letter to the Ephesians. How do we know if we are guilty of this? In this video, Costi Hinn outlines five ways parents provoke their children to anger.

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Christian Life Costi Hinn Christian Life Costi Hinn

Testing Prophecy

It's so important to test every single person who claims to be a prophet against the Scriptures. In this video, Costi Hinn breaks down Dr. Nathan Busenitz's three tests of biblical prophecy pulled straight from Scripture.

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Christian Life Andrew Curry Christian Life Andrew Curry

America's Bible Verse?

2 Chronicles 7:14 is often taken out of context and superimposed on modern countries as a call for change, especially in the USA. In this video, Andrew Curry dives into the original context and teaches us how to approach this text the right way.

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Christian Life Paul Pitts III Christian Life Paul Pitts III

What is Jesus Doing Now?

We rightly think about what Jesus has done in His life, death, and resurrection, but have you ever wondered what Jesus is doing right now? In this video, Paul Pitts answers this question and talks about the comfort that we have in Jesus' intercession for us.

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Christian Life Brett Skinner Christian Life Brett Skinner

Money Shouldn’t Be Your Master

When it comes to stewardship, it doesn't matter how much you have, what matters is what you do with what you have. In this video, Brett Skinner turns to the story of the rich young ruler to address the topic of stewardship and deciphering if money is your master.

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