Inspire & Inform
Theology, interviews, conversations, classes and more that will inform and inspire godly living.
Pornography Will Destroy Your Home
One of the most destructive things in our culture today is pornography. In this video, Costi Hinn outlines the devastating effects of pornography and encourages Christians to go on the offense against sexual sin.
How to Share the Gospel
In this week's podcast episode, Costi Hinn gives practical wisdom about the essentials of sharing the gospel and counsels on how to create and make the most of opportunities that will change someone's life.
What The Gospel Is Not
As a ministry that focuses on the truth… we are for the gospel. But by the very definition of being for something, that means we are then against what contradicts what we are for. In light of this, Costi Hinn continues his series on the gospel by exposing five common ways the gospel gets distorted and turns to the Bible for the truth.
What Is the Gospel?
In this episode, Costi Hinn kicks off a brand new series on the gospel that will strengthen your ability to share it with others.
Q&A: Sexual Sin
This week on the For The Gospel Podcast, Costi Hinn answers your questions about sexual sin to close out his latest podcast series.
How To Fight Sexual Sin
In this episode, Costi Hinn turns to Matthew 5 to talk about cutting off the avenues that leave you open to temptation and the importance of staying vigilant in the battle against sexual sin.
Waging War On Porn (feat. Owen Strachan)
In this episode, Owen Strachan sits down with Costi Hinn to talk about strategies to effectively wage war against pornography, which is one of Satan's biggest tools to lure people to the destruction that sexual sin brings and has become increasingly prevalent in this generation.
Don’t Flirt With Sexual Sin, Flee It!
In this episode, Costi Hinn covers two foundational truths that are essential for waging war against sexual sin and then provides two strategies for successfully battling temptation and lust.
Steps to Sexual Sin
Sexual sin will leave you empty and broken. In this week's episode, Costi Hinn turns to Proverbs 7 to see what the Bible says about the steps that lead to sexual sin and then provides three takeaways to apply to your life that will help you fight this destructive sin.
Defining Sexual Sin
This week on the For The Gospel podcast we're starting a new series on the subject of sexual sin, as it's a battle we all face in the Christian life. We're kicking off this series by defining sexual sin and outlining key truths about it. Costi will then be doing a deep dive in the upcoming weeks to explore the tools that God's Word provides to us to effectively fight against this type of sin.
Summer Sermon Series | Paul Washer: "What Your Soul Needs"
The next sermon in our summer series is by Paul Washer from the 2021 Fellowship Conference in Texas. In this message, Paul Washer reminds us that pastors are people too and will often study and preach on the very issues they are wrestling through in their own souls. No matter how perfect someone looks on the outside, we all sin and need to repent. In addition to addressing functional perfectionism, Washer also turns to Scripture to provide four keys to spiritual growth.
How Do You Get Into Heaven?
In this video, Randy Alcorn sits down with Costi Hinn to answer the most important question: How does someone get into heaven?
Is Hell Real?
Some people think hell isn't a real place and is just a scare tactic used to manipulate people into obeying God. In this video, Costi Hinn sits down with Brett Skinner to address the uncomfortable doctrine of hell.
The Unforgiving Servant
Jesus warns us to be careful of being unforgiving in light of how forgiven we are. In this episode Costi Hinn unpacks the parable of “The Unforgiving Servant” and reminds us why all Christians forgive, and clarifies what forgiveness is not.
Understanding Redemption This Easter
Easter is a wonderful time of reflection and celebration for those who have been redeemed by Christ. In this video, Brett Skinner shares some key texts in Scripture that help us understand the significance of redemption, why we need it, and how it shapes our lives as Christians.
Self-Control War Zones
In sports, teams gather scouting reports about opposing teams to go into a game with a strategy for facing their opponent. They study patterns and tendencies which help them predict what the other team might do. Like in sports, a scouting report on challenging environments can help Christians go in with “eyes wide open,” and develop a strategy for winning the spiritual battle. In this episode, Costi Hinn continues his series on self-control by walking you through 5 self-control war zones. These are items or environments that can be good things but are not neutral in our battle for self-control. In addition, he unpacks 4 responses to these war zones.
Sinful Anger vs Righteous Anger
In this episode, Costi Hinn walks through the difference between sinful anger and righteous anger, using Scripture as the basis. Discerning the difference between these two types of anger can help us know when it's time to confess sin, or when it's time to confront someone in their sin. Is your anger rooted in selfish ambition? Are you angry and want to take revenge? Do you experience anger over what grieves the Holy Spirit? These questions (and more) are answered in this episode.
The Attributes of God: Wrath
Although many pulpits focus on the love of God, it is vital for believers (and unbelievers) to understand God’s wrath. In this video, Desmond Outlaw outlines key aspects of God’s wrath.
Is Calvinism Biblical?
Many people ask if the tenets of Calvinism are truly biblical. In this video, Costi Hinn outlines Calvin’s 5 points (TULIP) and how they reflect the teaching of Scripture.