Inspire & Inform
Theology, interviews, conversations, classes and more that will inform and inspire godly living.
How to Make Great Decisions
Christians can often feel weighed down wondering what God’s will is, but in reality, He has already given us all the tools we need in the Bible. In this episode, Costi Hinn outlines seven P's to help you make great decisions based on Scripture.
Medication and the Mind
In this video, Jonny Ardavanis, pastor of Stonebridge Bible Church in Franklin, TN and president of Dial In Ministries, sits down with Costi Hinn for the next episode of their series on anxiety to discuss the mind, medication, and God's mercy.
Summer Sermon Series | H.B. Charles: “Sufficiency”
The next sermon in our summer series is by H.B. Charles on the sufficiency of Scripture from Shepherd's Conference 2022 at Grace Community Church. Many Christians would rightly say they believe the Bible is the Word of God and is not a book full of errors, but do we live like it’s “enough” and trust it as “enough” for life, decisions, and living out God’s will for our lives?
Galatians & Gender Roles
Galatians 3:28 is often misinterpreted to eliminate gender roles and reduce the very concept of gender to a social construct. In this video, Andrew Curry examines the text with proper context, reinforces the need to use Scripture to check Scripture, and rejoices in the true meaning of the text which displays the glory of atonement and the fact that there are no second class citizens in the kingdom of heaven.
Why Is It Important For Christians To Renew Their Mind?
In this video, Jonny Ardavanis discusses the battle for the mind with Costi Hinn and shares the need for the progressive renewing that takes place when Christians submit themselves to Scripture in order to properly equip themselves for the fight against the flesh.
5 Ways We Misrepresent the Holy Spirit
There's so much confusion about the Holy Spirit these days. In this video, Costi Hinn shares five ways the Holy Spirit is often misrepresented and how Scripture provides clarity on these issues. Let the Bible define your doctrinal beliefs about the Holy Spirit, not experience and emotion.
Why is Correct Interpretation of the Bible So Important?
Many Christians read the Bible for what it "means to them" in their current circumstance. Are they missing something? In this video, Andrew Curry from The Master's Seminary shares with Costi Hinn why correct interpretation is vital when reading the Bible.
What Does This Text Mean? Matthew 7:1
"Judge not, lest you be judged" is often thrown out to deflect personal rebuke or stop false teachers' exposure. In this video, Andrew Curry from The Master's Seminary shares with Costi Hinn why the context of Jesus' words shows a call to personal holiness.
God’s Revealed Will
In this episode, Costi Hinn continues his series on the will of God by unpacking what the revealed will of God is all about. Along with 8 key truths and several passages from Scripture, he lays out the major barriers between us and knowing the will of God.
Does the Holy Spirit Speak Today?
From confusing phrases to sensational claims, there is a great deal of confusion regarding the voice of the Spirit and how to hear from God today. In this episode, Costi Hinn takes the guesswork out of hearing from the Holy Spirit by providing biblical and practical truths you can use to walk in God’s will with confidence!
5 Life Changing Messages - John MacArthur
In this episode, Costi Hinn introduces our 2nd sermon of the summer series. Our preacher is John MacArthur, the message is "Inerrancy Under Attack," and it is from the 2015 Shepherd's Conference. MacArthur highlights the assaults that have come upon the Word of God and the authority and sufficiency of Scripture. Every Christian must know how the Bible is inerrant and why we stand for the truth of God's unchanging Word.
Cutting Through The Charismatic Chaos
God’s Word is sufficient. In this video, Anthony Wood explains why believers should not be seeking a “word from the Lord” outside of Scripture or listening to those who claim they receive direct revelation from God today.
Why Does the Catholic Church Keep Bibles out of Peoples’ Hands?
The Bible is the source of all truth. As Christ’s prayer for His disciples in John 17:17 demonstrated (“Sanctify them in the truth; Your word is truth.”), God’s Word is foundational in the believer's growth in godliness. In this video, Mike Gendron explains to Costi Hinn why so many Catholics, claiming to be followers of Christ, do not know the Bible.
Are You Suffering? Watch This!
In this week’s video Costi Hinn shares biblical wisdom on the topic of suffering. This resource provides practical reminders for all Christians.