Inspire & Inform
Theology, interviews, conversations, classes and more that will inform and inspire godly living.
How to Choose a Local Church
In this video, Costi Hinn and Josh Buice, founder and president of G3 Ministries, sit down to talk about how to choose a local church and provide wisdom for identifying and navigating primary and secondary issues.
The Leaders of Our Worship (w/ Sovereign Grace Music)
Much of today’s music scene and worship culture in the church prioritizes talent over character. In many churches, the ability to sing or play with excellence exceeds the need for spiritual maturity, character, and in some cases, genuine conversion. In this episode, Bob Kauflin, Devon Kauflin, and David Zimmer sit down with Costi Hinn to talk about the importance of who should be on stage to lead worship in our churches, along with practical wisdom for the “mercenary” culture of the Christian music scene.
Summer Sermon Series | John MacArthur: "The Need for Doctrinal Courage"
The next sermon in our summer series is by John MacArthur from Shepherd's Conference 2018 at Grace Community Church. In this message, he addresses the need to not only preach the gospel, but to also guard it with courage and boldness in a world full of false doctrines that try to add works to salvation. True salvation is only by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone.
5 Life Changing Messages - Paul Washer (2)
In this episode, Costi Hinn shares the 5th message in this summer series and Paul Washer makes his 2nd appearance. This particular sermon is from the G3 Conference in 2021 and is titled, “Christ Became a Curse.” It should be mandatory listening for any man who aspires to be a pastor-elder in the local church, and most certainly a convicting message for believers from all walks of life.
Exclusive Interview – The Essential Church
In this video, Costi Hinn sits down with Shannon Halliday, director of The Essential Church, to ask behind the scene questions about the motives, crafting, and personal impact of the film, as well as John MacArthur’s take on his first viewing.
Prostituting the Pulpit
Today, many Evangelical churches resort to flashy gimmicks and games to attract a crowd. However, as the Bible clearly states, the pulpit is meant to preach Christ and Him crucified. The faithful church must not settle for anything less than this crucial message. In this video, Tony Wood expounds.
Make the Pulpit Reverent Again!
In our second installment of “Filtered — with Costi Hinn:”
Reverence is out the window in our culture – our church culture – and influence is in. However you act, preach, or speak doesn't matter as long as it gets results and can be presented in some qazi-spiritual way.
Since when has the church's primary calling been to conform to this world in order to win people to Christ? Never. We call the culture to conform to Christ instead.
What’s Up When False Teachers Repent?
When big-name false teachers say their eyes have opened to the error of their ways, the Christian world erupts. Yet often, those same teachers quickly go back to their manipulation of scripture. In this video, Costi Hinn shares a helpful framework for evaluating repentance in a grace-filled and cautious way.
Confessions of an Ex Seeker-Driven Preacher
In this interview by Costi Hinn, Anthony Wood walks through how the Lord graciously used His Word to transform Mission Bible Church from a seeker-focused ministry to a church with an unwavering commitment to the truth of Scripture.