
Inspire & Inform

Theology, interviews, conversations, classes and more that will inform and inspire godly living.

Christian Life Adrienne Matthews Christian Life Adrienne Matthews

The High Calling For Women

In this video, Adrienne Matthews explains that biblical womanhood isn't a one size fits all mold, it's about faithfully following God's design by working hard, loving and serving your family, and keeping Christ at the center of it all.

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For the Gospel Podcast Costi Hinn For the Gospel Podcast Costi Hinn

Resolution: Strengthen Your Temple

God has entrusted us with the responsibility to steward our bodies and we are called to maximize the way we live out the days He has appointed for us. The difference between a life fully lived for His glory and one wasted with minimal effort may come down to how well we steward our temple. In this episode, Costi Hinn shares 4 keys for strengthening your temple!

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Christian Life Costi Hinn Christian Life Costi Hinn


In this video, Jeremy Vuolo sits down with Costi Hinn to address the topic of legalism, starting with walking through how he has been deeply affected in his personal life by legalism and then turning to the Bible to show the clear difference between legalistic rule-following and true obedience that is driven by gratitude.

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Christian Life Jesse Randolph Christian Life Jesse Randolph

How Should You Make Peace?

There is a major difference between peacekeepers and peacemakers. The concept of keeping the peace comes from the world and the concept of making peace comes from the Lord. In this video, Jesse Randolph lays out common conflict avoidance strategies the world promotes and compares them with biblical conflict resolution strategies.

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