Inspire & Inform
Theology, interviews, conversations, classes and more that will inform and inspire godly living.
What Jesus’ Birth Means for You
In this episode, Costi Hinn considers the hope found in the words of Isaiah 9:6-7 and reflects on what the birth of Christ means for us.
Hope For The Hurting
In this video, Jonny Ardavanis sits down with Costi Hinn to focus on helping people shift their perspective towards heaven in the midst of navigating trying times.
To Die Is Gain
Even though death is a defeated foe for the Christian, it is still hard for the person dying and for the loved ones left behind. In this video, Paul Pitts gives two truths that will help Christians grieve as ones who have hope, as instructed in 1 Thessalonians 4:13.
The Ten Virgins
Some people are ready for Christ to return or call them home, and some are not. Some people are living for themselves but think they are saved, while others are humbly living their life for God’s glory. In the parable of “The Ten Virgins” Jesus arrests the eternal perspective of His audience by showcasing how once the Lord returns, it will be too late to be saved. Today is the day of salvation.
5 Priorities for a Winning Christmas: CHRIST
In this episode, Costi Hinn kicks off a brand new Christmas series and walks through the first of five priorities for a “winning” Christmas. He defines what it means to win during the Advent season and also provides cautionary wisdom about ways we miss Christ in our Christmas, and five practical ways to keep Christ as the center!
What’s One Thing We Often Don't Think About When It Comes To The Attributes Of God?
In this video, Costi Hinn sits down with Jonny Ardavanis to discuss what we often don't think about when it comes to the attributes of God. Jonny shares how they serve not only as characteristics of our great God but as promises that encourage our souls and bolster our Christian walk.
Suffering is Never for Nothing
"Hard times have high purposes." But it's hard to figure out those purposes when you are actually in the hard times. Nonetheless, it is essential that with open Bibles we consider all that God is doing amidst our sufferings. In the video, Paul Pitts III reminds us that with Jesus, suffering is never for nothing.
How to Ask for Forgiveness
In this episode, Costi Hinn breaks down the "7 A's of Confession" from Ken Sande and helps to clarify the difference between genuinely seeking someone's forgiveness vs. making excuses about sin. Relationships will never heal and conflict cannot be reconciled if we do not take ownership of our sin. Many people don't know how to seek forgiveness or confess sin biblically. This episode will equip everyone to do that.
How Can the Death of Jesus be a ‘Good’ Friday?
The sinless Son of God was brutally murdered. How can this be “good”? In this video, Brett Skinner explains why this bleak day in history is rightfully called “Good” Friday, unveiling the most remarkable truth.
Are You Suffering? Watch This!
In this week’s video Costi Hinn shares biblical wisdom on the topic of suffering. This resource provides practical reminders for all Christians.
Why Hasn’t Jesus Come Back Yet?
With the world darkening every day, believers cling to the hope of the Savior’s return. In this video, Anthony Wood from Mission Bible Church explains why Christ has yet to come back and what the Christian is called to do in the meantime.
Why Do Some Christians Commit Suicide?
Christians live in a fallen world, with mounting pressures and times of deep sorrow. Through Christ, the believer can cling to the hope of eternal reconciliation to God, trust in His faithfulness, and rest in His sovereignty. Sadly, sometimes Christians find themselves lost in despair to the point of that final act. In this video, Jesse Randolph answers this somber question with truth from Scripture.
Are Some People Too Sinful To Save?
The shame of sin can drive people to feel too far gone for God to save. Sadly, some even view others through that judgemental lens.
In this video, Costi Hinn shares how the story of Zacchaeus reminds us of the transformative grace of Christ.