Inspire & Inform
Theology, interviews, conversations, classes and more that will inform and inspire godly living.
Q&A: God's Will
This week on the For The Gospel Podcast, Costi Hinn wraps up his latest series by tackling listener questions about understanding and walking in God’s will.
How to Make Great Decisions
Christians can often feel weighed down wondering what God’s will is, but in reality, He has already given us all the tools we need in the Bible. In this episode, Costi Hinn outlines seven P's to help you make great decisions based on Scripture.
3 Barriers to Walking in God's Will
In this video, Costi Hinn explains the three barriers between people and God's revealed will that need to be overcome in order to walk in His will.
Decision-Making Cripplers
In this episode, Costi Hinn exposes the decision-making cripplers that keep us from making great decisions and walking in God’s will. Every important decision should be analyzed and prayerfully processed, but nobody should be paralyzed by not knowing God's will.
How to Make No-Regret Decisions
In this video, Costi Hinn shares his biblical decision-making tool to help you confidently make decisions that are in line with God's will.
God's Will for Every Christian
The most important question anyone could ever ask is, "How do I know what God’s will is for my life?" In this episode, Costi Hinn begins a 3-part series exploring how to understand and walk in God's will, starting with 10 things that are God's will for every Christian.
Decision Making
Jeremy Vuolo sits down with Costi Hinn to talk about the importance of decisions, how to approach making decisions, and more specifically, how Christians should approach the pressure of decision making.
Listener Questions on God’s Will
In this episode, Costi Hinn answers the top 10 questions we’ve received on God’s will and explains each one in light of what Scripture teaches. The questions include topics like the death of babies, who to marry, moving to other places, predestination, and more!
Is It Always God’s Will To Heal You?
In this episode, Costi Hinn provides clarity on one of the most common questions we get as a ministry. God’s will and healing are twisted by faith healers and spiritual abusers who seek to heap burdens on people who need comforting truth. To get healed, do you just need more faith? Does giving money make God provide miracles? This episode will provide biblical truth on this important aspect of God’s will.
How to Know God’s Will For Your Life
In this episode, Costi Hinn breaks down the 5’s of God’s will as explicitly mentioned in Scripture. Over the years, many theologians and pastors have used these passages to help Christians see that when they live according to what Scripture says, they will always find themselves aligned with God’s will. Book recommendation in this episode: "Found: God’s Will” by John MacArthur.
God’s Will in Salvation
In this episode, Costi Hinn continues the series on God’s will by unpacking God’s will in salvation. Using Ephesians 1:3-6 he showcases how God’s not absent from our salvation, nor is He out of the equation when it comes to who gets saved. God is sovereign and His will very much includes who is saved, when they are saved, and that they stay saved. The doctrine of “election” comes up in this episode as does the doctrine of “adoption.”
God’s Revealed Will
In this episode, Costi Hinn continues his series on the will of God by unpacking what the revealed will of God is all about. Along with 8 key truths and several passages from Scripture, he lays out the major barriers between us and knowing the will of God.
God’s Decretive Will
In this episode, Costi Hinn unpacks God’s decretive will or what theologians call “God’s secret will.” When it comes to this particular aspect of God’s will it’s vital that Christians understand the sovereignty of God, but also, the peace that comes from knowing just how in control He is. Whether you’re worried about the future or wondering about the past, this episode will strengthen your view on the will of God and help you live confidently in His plan for your life.
Getting Ready to Know God’s Will
In this series, Costi Hinn breaks down the basic truth about God’s will and takes the mystery out of one of the most confusing and misunderstood aspects of the Christian life. You can know God’s will and walk in it. Beginning with this episode, he focused on the most important characteristic you need to get ready for a deeper understanding of God’s will. Too many Christians miss the glorious truth about God’s will because they don’t start off with the right attitude.
5 Life Changing Messages - Joni Earecksen Tada
In this episode, Costi Hinn shares the 4th message in this summer series. This particular message is more of a testimony by none other than Joni Earecksen Tada from the Strange Fire Conference in 2013. This message will help you grasp God’s will on healing, and how a Christian should view suffering and the sovereignty of God.
How Can I Know the Will of God?
Many Christians rightly ask, “How can I know the will of God?” In this video, Anthony Wood outlines the two types of God’s Will and how the believer can respond in faithful obedience.