
Inspire & Inform

Theology, interviews, conversations, classes and more that will inform and inspire godly living.

Christian Life Costi Hinn Christian Life Costi Hinn

Toxic Masculinity

In this video, Owen Strachan sits down with Costi Hinn to discuss the highly-debated topic of toxic masculinity and calls men to be strong in all areas of their lives, which can only begin by acknowledging their weakness and need for a strong Savior.

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Christian Life Andrew Curry Christian Life Andrew Curry

Galatians & Gender Roles

Galatians 3:28 is often misinterpreted to eliminate gender roles and reduce the very concept of gender to a social construct. In this video, Andrew Curry examines the text with proper context, reinforces the need to use Scripture to check Scripture, and rejoices in the true meaning of the text which displays the glory of atonement and the fact that there are no second class citizens in the kingdom of heaven.

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Sin Jesse Randolph Sin Jesse Randolph

Why is it a Sin to be Gay, Trans, or Non-binary?

Gender and marriage have been corrupted by sinful societies since the Old Testament. Believers are called to hold the line for truth in this vital arena. In this video, Jesse Randolph outlines the Bible’s clear stance on this topic throughout scripture and reminds the Christian of their call to evangelize to those lost in the sinful LGBTQ+ community.

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Sin Albert Kilgore Sin Albert Kilgore

Is Homosexuality a Sin?

Society demands the acceptance and praise of the LGBTQ+ community. Many argue that a truly “loving” Christian would support homosexuality. But what does God’s Word have to say on the matter? In this video, Albert Kilgore from Mission Bible Church East Valley answers.

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