Inspire & Inform
Theology, interviews, conversations, classes and more that will inform and inspire godly living.
Stop Comparing Your Pastors
We need to be careful not to create factions, divisions, or power groups centered around comparing pastors within a church. A church divided cannot stand, and we need to cherish pastors for their unique contributions. Christ builds the church, not pastors.
How to Choose a Local Church
In this video, Costi Hinn and Josh Buice, founder and president of G3 Ministries, sit down to talk about how to choose a local church and provide wisdom for identifying and navigating primary and secondary issues.
The Leaders of Our Worship (w/ Sovereign Grace Music)
Much of today’s music scene and worship culture in the church prioritizes talent over character. In many churches, the ability to sing or play with excellence exceeds the need for spiritual maturity, character, and in some cases, genuine conversion. In this episode, Bob Kauflin, Devon Kauflin, and David Zimmer sit down with Costi Hinn to talk about the importance of who should be on stage to lead worship in our churches, along with practical wisdom for the “mercenary” culture of the Christian music scene.
The Style of Our Worship (w/ Sovereign Grace Music)
Should a church turn the lights down, unleash the fog machine, and laser light the stage to help people have a more engaging worship experience? Does it matter if a worship service is presented in a trendy way? If creativity is a gift from God, should we limit how much we innovate when it comes to music and stylistic elements in a service? Does the Bible have principles we can use to govern the style of our worship services? These are important questions! In the third episode of our worship series with Sovereign Grace Music, we gain valuable wisdom on the style of a worship service.
Theology In Our Music (w/ Sovereign Grace Music)
It was John Piper who once said, "A congregation learns its theology by the songs they sing, not just by the preaching they hear.” Doctrine matters in our music, and it’s vital that churches and leaders think through more than just the sound of music, and ensure that the content of the music is biblically accurate. In this episode, Sovereign Grace Music leaders Bob Kauflin, Devon Kauflin, and David Zimmer highlight that the road to heresy in the worship music industry is often paved with good intentions.
The Expression of Our Worship (w/ Sovereign Grace Music)
Expression in worship can often be relegated to the extremes of “emotionalism” or “stoicism.” Some argue that raising our hands in a worship service is nothing more than charismatic disorder, while others insist that if you don’t cry or shout during worship you’ve not entered the holy of holies. In part 1 of this series on worship, Bob Kauflin, Devon Kauflin, and David Zimmer of Sovereign Grace Music sit down with Costi Hinn to think biblical about how we express ourselves in worship so that we avoid extremes and joyfully worship God in spirit and truth.
Can Teens Handle Deep Doctrine?
It's all too common for people to assume teenagers can't handle doctrine. In this video, Costi Hinn addresses this false premise and explains that teens, and even kids, are more than capable of handling doctrine. Doctrine elevates worship and teaching doctrine to your children will allow them to grow in joy because they are growing in the knowledge of God.
The Four Soils
In this episode, Costi Hinn explains the parable of the four soils (also called “parable of the sower”) in which Jesus delivers clear and convicting truth about human hearts and how they receive the seed of the Word. Many people don’t understand this parable, but Christ makes it easy to interpret as He provides His own explanation in Matthew 13:18-23.
The Rich Fool
In this episode, Costi Hinn unpacks the parable of “The Rich Fool” and gives us truths to apply from Jesus’ warnings about trusting in riches.
What is the Role of Men in the Church? w/ Travis Allen
What does God expect of men in the church? If not all men are pastors, what significant role can they play? How should the priority of the local church permeate a man’s life? In this final episode of the manhood series Costi Hinn asks pastor and former Navy Seal, Travis Allen, to help men from all walks of life understand and embrace their role in the local church.
Listener Questions About the Holy Spirit
In this episode, Costi Hinn answers your questions about the Holy Spirit including questions about tongues, feelings, church service order, fruit, prayer, and more!
How to Preserve the Unity of the Spirit
Unity is hard to come by in the body of Christ, but it doesn’t have to be that way. At the same time, we should never sacrifice truth in the name of superficial unity. When it comes to the work of the Holy Spirit in the true body of Christ, we may differ on some secondary doctrinal matters, but if we share a common Lord and have been baptized into the same body, we can experience unity in the midst of some differences. In this episode, Costi Hinn unpacks 4 principles that can help us preserve the unity that the Holy Spirit provides.
Imprisoned For the Gospel w/ Tim Stephens
Like many pastors and churches, when COVID-19 hit the news and shut down orders spread across the globe, Tim Stephens and Fairview Baptist Church stopped holding services and assessed the situation. Not knowing what they were dealing with, they took every step necessary to use wisdom and prudence in their decision-making. But as it became clear that this virus was not all that the government made it out to be, Tim’s convictions stirred to re-open the church and begin preaching and holding worship services. His decision to re-open had a wide ripple effect that ultimately led to his imprisonment. As a husband, and a father to 8 children, Tim and Raquel Stephens had so much to lose. As fines piled up and public pressure mounted, Tim’s convictions remained anchored. To end the whole ordeal all he had to do was sign an agreement stating that he would not go back and re-open the church. He refused. This interview is the entire story in his own words.
Prostituting the Pulpit
Today, many Evangelical churches resort to flashy gimmicks and games to attract a crowd. However, as the Bible clearly states, the pulpit is meant to preach Christ and Him crucified. The faithful church must not settle for anything less than this crucial message. In this video, Tony Wood expounds.
Make the Pulpit Reverent Again!
In our second installment of “Filtered — with Costi Hinn:”
Reverence is out the window in our culture – our church culture – and influence is in. However you act, preach, or speak doesn't matter as long as it gets results and can be presented in some qazi-spiritual way.
Since when has the church's primary calling been to conform to this world in order to win people to Christ? Never. We call the culture to conform to Christ instead.
What is Christian Fellowship?
The fellowship of believers is not simply another social group or gathering around shared hobbies. In this video, Desmond Outlaw provides three defining marks of true Christian fellowship.
How to Find the Right Church
Finding a church can be a daunting task, but knowing what to look for can be a huge advantage, even if it takes some time. In this video, Costi Hinn shares 6 important elements to help prioritize your decision.
How to be Unstoppable for Christ
Do you want to live all-out for the glory of God? In this video, Grant Castleberry explains how believers can live boldly and steadfastly to further the cause of Christ.
Problem People
Are you helping or hurting the church? In this video, Anthony Wood explains how not to be a “problem” person.
Why I Don’t Tithe
Should Christians tithe? In this video, Brett Skinner (FTG Executive Director & Executive Pastor at Mission Bible Church) unpacks the often misunderstood & manipulated topic of Biblical giving.