Inspire & Inform
Theology, interviews, conversations, classes and more that will inform and inspire godly living.
Christians Don't "Retire" From Ministry
While you may eventually retire from your career, you will never retire from Christian ministry. In this video, Costi Hinn reminds us that we are called to give our lives fully to the gospel, serving faithfully until our time on earth is complete.
Christian Work Ethic: Busy for Christ
In this video, Dr. Joel Beeke sits down with Costi Hinn to talk about how Christians should be set apart by their work ethic and how one should wisely steward their time for the glory of God.
Summer Sermon Series | Paul Washer: "What Your Soul Needs"
The next sermon in our summer series is by Paul Washer from the 2021 Fellowship Conference in Texas. In this message, Paul Washer reminds us that pastors are people too and will often study and preach on the very issues they are wrestling through in their own souls. No matter how perfect someone looks on the outside, we all sin and need to repent. In addition to addressing functional perfectionism, Washer also turns to Scripture to provide four keys to spiritual growth.
Should Christians Be in Debt?
In this video, Randy Alcorn discusses with Costi Hinn how Christians should view their relationship with debt and the importance of not hindering one's ability to give.
Money Shouldn’t Be Your Master
When it comes to stewardship, it doesn't matter how much you have, what matters is what you do with what you have. In this video, Brett Skinner turns to the story of the rich young ruler to address the topic of stewardship and deciphering if money is your master.
What Does the Bible Mean to Me?
In this video, Andrew Curry explains the importance of knowing the mind of God in Scripture and getting to the true purpose of the text rather than man's opinion of what it means to them.
Why Is It Important For Christians To Renew Their Mind?
In this video, Jonny Ardavanis discusses the battle for the mind with Costi Hinn and shares the need for the progressive renewing that takes place when Christians submit themselves to Scripture in order to properly equip themselves for the fight against the flesh.
Why Are Christians Called To Redeem Their Time?
We know our time is both short and uncertain, but does this shape how we live our lives? In this video, Jonny Ardavanis addresses the topic of how Christians should use their time effectively and efficiently for the glory of God.
The Christian’s Relationship to the Mosaic Law
The Mosaic Law has become increasingly misunderstood in recent years. In this video, Nathan LeMaster touches on the importance and purpose of the Mosaic Law and explains our relationship to it as believers.
Self-Control War Zones
In sports, teams gather scouting reports about opposing teams to go into a game with a strategy for facing their opponent. They study patterns and tendencies which help them predict what the other team might do. Like in sports, a scouting report on challenging environments can help Christians go in with “eyes wide open,” and develop a strategy for winning the spiritual battle. In this episode, Costi Hinn continues his series on self-control by walking you through 5 self-control war zones. These are items or environments that can be good things but are not neutral in our battle for self-control. In addition, he unpacks 4 responses to these war zones.
What is Ash Wednesday?
It's Ash Wednesday, which means the 40 days of Lent have officially begun. In this video, Brett Skinner answers the question, "What is Ash Wednesday?", and addresses the Christian's liberty in participating.
The Importance of Prayer in Bible Reading
In this video, Andrew Curry from The Master's Seminary shares with Costi Hinn why prayer is vital before studying the Word.
How to Know God’s Will For Your Life
In this episode, Costi Hinn breaks down the 5’s of God’s will as explicitly mentioned in Scripture. Over the years, many theologians and pastors have used these passages to help Christians see that when they live according to what Scripture says, they will always find themselves aligned with God’s will. Book recommendation in this episode: "Found: God’s Will” by John MacArthur.
What Is Worship?
What is true worship? In this video, Jonny Ardavanis shares with Costi Hinn why worship is not merely the songs sung on Sunday morning, but a life dedicated to His glory.
What is the Sin That Leads to Death?
In this video, Tony Wood explains 1 John 5:16 (one of the most difficult passages in the Bible), providing two possible interpretations and key applications for every believer.
How the World Hijacks Our Easter
In this episode, Costi Hinn walks you through 3 ways this world attempts to hijack our Easter. Believers are in the world but not of the world, and we should prioritize our lives and important seasons accordingly. Easter is a high watermark of the Christian calendar, don't spiritually sleepwalk your way through it.
How To Be Humble
The Christian should be marked by humility. In this video, Desmond Outlaw unpacks how Romans 12:3 provides believers with a helpful description of true humility – a sober and accurate view of self.
How do I Know if I am a Lukewarm Christian?
In this video, Costi Hinn addresses the common question “How do I know if I am a lukewarm Christian?”. He outlines what God’s Word says on the matter and provides questions to ask yourself to discern your spiritual condition.
Why I Don’t Tithe
Should Christians tithe? In this video, Brett Skinner (FTG Executive Director & Executive Pastor at Mission Bible Church) unpacks the often misunderstood & manipulated topic of Biblical giving.
Why Should I Go To Church?
What motivates the believer to go to church? In this video, Anthony Wood from Mission Bible Church shares how the Christian is to be an active “stone” within the temple of God.