
Inspire & Inform

Theology, interviews, conversations, classes and more that will inform and inspire godly living.

Charismatic Costi Hinn Charismatic Costi Hinn

Anointing With Oil

In this video, Costi Hinn shares how to think biblically about one of the most fascinating and bizarre practices in the charismatic movement: anointing people, objects, and places with oil.

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Holy Spirit Costi Hinn Holy Spirit Costi Hinn

5 Ways We Misrepresent the Holy Spirit

There's so much confusion about the Holy Spirit these days. In this video, Costi Hinn shares five ways the Holy Spirit is often misrepresented and how Scripture provides clarity on these issues. Let the Bible define your doctrinal beliefs about the Holy Spirit, not experience and emotion.

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For the Gospel Podcast Costi Hinn For the Gospel Podcast Costi Hinn

How to Preserve the Unity of the Spirit

Unity is hard to come by in the body of Christ, but it doesn’t have to be that way. At the same time, we should never sacrifice truth in the name of superficial unity. When it comes to the work of the Holy Spirit in the true body of Christ, we may differ on some secondary doctrinal matters, but if we share a common Lord and have been baptized into the same body, we can experience unity in the midst of some differences. In this episode, Costi Hinn unpacks 4 principles that can help us preserve the unity that the Holy Spirit provides.

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Filtered – with Costi Hinn Costi Hinn Filtered – with Costi Hinn Costi Hinn

Slain in the Spirit

In our third installment of “Filtered — with Costi Hinn”: Being “slain in the spirit” has long been one of the most prolific charismatic practices in the church.

With people shaking, convulsing, and manifesting at the mere touch of a supposedly anointed man or woman (or the wave of their jacket), many people are convinced they’re experiencing a special encounter with the Holy Spirit. But is that what the Holy Spirit does? Does He cause people to shake, bark, scream, convulse, and topple on a stage? Is any of this biblical? Does it match the ministry of Christ, His apostles, or the Holy Spirit? Costi Hinn unpacks.

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