
Inspire & Inform

Theology, interviews, conversations, classes and more that will inform and inspire godly living.

Eternity Costi Hinn Eternity Costi Hinn

You Don't Need A Bucket List

In this video, Randy Alcorn, founder of Eternal Perspective Ministries, shares with Costi Hinn why the believer doesn't need a bucket list. Rather, the Christian can look forward to an incredible new earth to come!

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Eschatology Nathan LeMaster Eschatology Nathan LeMaster

The Error of Postmillennial Theology

Revelation 20 speaks of a thousand years in which Satan is bound and Christ reigns. This passage, among other biblical texts, has created debate as to how to interpret this millennium. In this video, Nathan LeMasterAssistant Professor of Old Testament at The Master's Seminary, outlines the three major views of the millennium and what they mean for the church.

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