Cultivate & Motivate

Learnings, teachings, and theology for anyone to reference during difficult times, stressful workdays, and times of study and growth.

Costi Hinn Costi Hinn

Ask This When Naming Names

For the Gospel is not afraid to call out false teachers. No pastor, church, or Christian resource ministry should be — especially in today’s world. But is there a metric for ministries or pastors to use when determining how often — or whether to, at all — name names?

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A Biblical View of Signs, Wonders, & Miracles

Is God still in the miracle business? There is an entire swath of professing Christianity that would answer that question with a resounding and enthusiastic, “Yes.” The Word-Faith and New Apostolic Reformation movements (WF/NAR) are twin movements that, though there be a bit of distinction between them, have far more in common with one another and, in fact, they are today essentially melding into one.

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