Sharpen & Equip
Driving? At the gym? Working around the house? Whatever you’re doing, redeem that time by taking in theology and practical living with For the Gospel podcasts.
Head Coverings, Women Teachers, and Patriarchy w/ Owen Strachan
In this episode, Costi Hinn interviews Owen Strachan and asks him hard questions about difficult passages on head coverings, women teaching in the church, manhood, and patriarchy. These are not salvation issues, but they can be confusing issues that impact the local church and our unity. With biblical balance and pastoral temperance, Strachan and Hinn weave a pattern of clarity through these issues and more.
Hard Questions About Forgiveness (Q&A)
In this episode, Costi Hinn answers your questions from the series on forgiveness and conflict resolution.
How to Ask for Forgiveness
In this episode, Costi Hinn breaks down the "7 A's of Confession" from Ken Sande and helps to clarify the difference between genuinely seeking someone's forgiveness vs. making excuses about sin. Relationships will never heal and conflict cannot be reconciled if we do not take ownership of our sin. Many people don't know how to seek forgiveness or confess sin biblically. This episode will equip everyone to do that.
How to Be a Forgiving Person
In part 3 of this series on conflict and forgiveness, Costi Hinn walks you through the biblical steps towards becoming a forgiving person and provides practical insights that are modeled in the life of Christ. If you have a difficult time forgiving people or want to be a peacemaker who helps others become more forgiving, this episode has everything you need!
What is Forgiveness?
Christians should be the most forgiving people in the world because we’re the most forgiven people in the world. But that doesn’t mean forgiveness will be easy. In part 2 of this series on conflict and forgiveness, Costi Hinn unpacks 4 things forgiveness is not, and 4 truths that help us define what forgiveness is.
Conflict & the Christian Response
This episode kicks off a brand new series on forgiveness and takes a deep dive into conflict resolution, how a Christian should respond, why forgiveness is hard, what bitterness will do to you, and how Christ’s example is our model. Many Christians do not have a healthy pattern of conflict resolution, but the Bible provides us with the tools we need to reflect God’s will in how we fight and forgive.
How to Deal with Your Anger
In this episode, Costi Hinn provides 6 biblical and practical steps for dealing with sinful anger issues, and highlights the core truth that can help any Christian overcome sinful anger that stems from a lack of self-control.
Sinful Anger vs. Righteous Anger
In this episode, Costi Hinn walks through the difference between sinful anger and righteous anger, using Scripture as the basis. Discerning the difference between these two types of anger can help us know when it's time to confess sin, or when it's time to confront someone in their sin. Is your anger rooted in selfish ambition? Are you angry and want to take revenge? Do you experience anger over what grieves the Holy Spirit? These questions (and more) are answered in this episode.
Understanding Anger
In this episode, Costi Hinn kicks off a 3-week series on anger beginning with 4 key principles about anger, and 5 passages that show us what the Bible has to say about anger. This series will help you know the difference between sinful anger and righteous anger, as well as gain practical insights for dealing with a sinful anger problem. All Christians will struggle with emotions and self-control. Anger is something every believer should understand and be equipped to address.
Why Do You Call Out False Teachers? w/ Justin Peters
In this episode, Costi Hinn sits down with Justin Peters and asks him big questions about false teaching, red flags to watch for, and the importance of Christian discernment.
Public Schools and Christian Parenting w/ Heidi St. John
In this episode, Costi Hinn sits down with Heidi St. John who is a mother and a grandmother and has run for Congress as a passionate representative of Christian values. Heidi shares powerful truths about the public school system and the need for Christian parents to take responsibility for their calling from God as the primary disciple-makers in the home.
Wisdom on Evangelism, Abortion, and Living for the Glory of God w/ Mark Spence
In this episode, Costi Hinn sits down with Mark Spence from Living Waters to talk about how to live your life for the ultimate purpose. Mark is widely respected in the Christian world as an absolute spark plug when it comes to being bold about faith and biblical truth. Costi also asks Mark about pro-life issues, and Mark shares key insights that will inspire you to live for the gospel in every area of your life.
Creation, Dinosaurs, & Biblical Authority w/ Ken Ham
In this episode, Costi Hinn sits down with Ken Ham on location at the Ark Encounter for an in-depth interview about big theological questions. They cover creation, the age of the earth, dinosaurs, aliens, and more! Ultimately, all of these issues come down to whether or not our worldview is shaped by Scripture, or by secularism. Ken Ham sets out to prove that science merely proves what the Bible has already proclaimed.
A Journey Through Holy Week
In this episode, Costi Hinn finishes the Easter series by taking you on a journey through Holy Week featuring Russ Ramsey's narrative that synthesizes all of the Gospel accounts into one seamless storyline. You will understand the details of what took place on Palm Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Saturday, and Resurrection Sunday.
How to Maximize Your Easter
This series continues as Costi Hinn helps you focus on Christ and breaks down 5 practical ways to maximize your Easter. There are plenty of traditions and good things to enjoy each year, but the believer in Jesus aims to glory in the greatest thing.
How the World Hijacks Our Easter
In this episode, Costi Hinn walks you through 3 ways this world attempts to hijack our Easter. Believers are in the world but not of the world, and we should prioritize our lives and important seasons accordingly. Easter is a high watermark of the Christian calendar, don't spiritually sleepwalk your way through it.
Revival (Part 3): What Are the Signs of False Revival?
In this episode, the “Revival” series culminates as Costi Hinn walks you through the marks of false revival. The Bible is clear that believers are in a spiritual war and Satan seeks to undermine and distract the church from its mission. Furthermore, darkness uses deception to mislead people and keep them blinded from the truth. Discernment is one of the believer’s most important spiritual tools. This episode will provide you with key truths that will equip you to rightly discern false revival.
Revival (Part 2): What Are the Marks of True Revival?
In part two of this series on revival, Costi Hinn walks you through a history of revival from The Great Awakening, to the Protestant Reformation, to the early church in the book of Acts. He lays out 8 clear marks of true revival to help you understand how the Spirit of God works consistently throughout the ages.
Revival (Part 1): What is Revival?
In this episode, Costi Hinn begins a 3-part series on "Revival" so that you can rightly celebrate the power of God in the lives of people, while also using discernment and wisdom in everyday life. This episode includes an excerpt from Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones that will help you effectively answer the question: What is revival?
5 Principles for Christian Singles
Christian singleness is often accompanied by extremes. One extreme is to insist that almost everyone should be married young, while another extreme is to insist that most everyone wait until their 30s so they can enjoy their singleness. Littered in between these extremes are the imposing personal experiences that many push onto others because it's how the Lord wrote their story. Are you allowed to deeply desire to be married? Is it wrong to want to plan for the future before getting married? How should you leverage your singleness? If you're sad that you're not married, does that mean marriage is an "idol" for you? These are important questions! In this episode, Costi Hinn provides 5 principles that will help you view marriage as a gift, and approach singleness in a balanced way.