Sharpen & Equip

Driving? At the gym? Working around the house? Whatever you’re doing, redeem that time by taking in theology and practical living with For the Gospel podcasts.

5 Life Changing Messages - Paul Washer
For the Gospel Podcast Costi Hinn For the Gospel Podcast Costi Hinn

5 Life Changing Messages - Paul Washer

In this episode, Costi Hinn kicks off a 5-week series where he shares life changing messages that have impacted him over the last 10 years. In this 1st message, Paul Washer pours out from his deep well of wisdom on marriage, parenting, and family in what has become one of the most accessible, convicting, and down-to-earth messages on these topics. Washer is less "preachy" and much more personal in what feels more like a living room counseling session than a sermon. No matter your life stage, this will greatly impact you for years to come.

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4 Principles for Biblical Money Management
For the Gospel Podcast Costi Hinn For the Gospel Podcast Costi Hinn

4 Principles for Biblical Money Management

In this episode, Costi Hinn shares openly about hard financial lessons learned after coming out of the prosperity gospel, and unpacks 4 principles for biblical money management from "Master Your Money" by Ron Blue. God has called His children to be faithful stewards of whatever He entrusts to them, so all Christians do well to put time and energy into learning about biblical money management.

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Cussing, Crude Language, and Christlikeness
For the Gospel Podcast Costi Hinn For the Gospel Podcast Costi Hinn

Cussing, Crude Language, and Christlikeness

What does the Bible say about cussing, using crude language, and unwholesome speech? In this episode, Costi Hinn unpacks biblical truths that dispel justifications for using crude language or profanity. While many people will struggle with a slip of the tongue or using phrases they quickly regret, every believer ought to make it their aim to please the Lord with their words. Furthermore, those who justify the use of unwholesome speech and profanity have no biblical grounds for doing so.

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Wisdom for Halloween
For the Gospel Podcast Costi Hinn For the Gospel Podcast Costi Hinn

Wisdom for Halloween

Believers from all walks of life will view Halloween in any number of different ways. Some will shun the day altogether, others will attend church alternatives, while others will see participation in Halloween festivities as nothing more than a little scary fun. In the midst of many different views, there are specific truths that should unite all of those who claim to follow Christ. In this episode, Costi Hinn walks through the European origins and American version of Halloween from Travis Allen's, Christians and Halloween, then offers 3 pieces of practical wisdom for all of us this year.

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Reflections on the Tongue (James 3)
For the Gospel Podcast Costi Hinn For the Gospel Podcast Costi Hinn

Reflections on the Tongue (James 3)

Using words with wisdom is so important for all of us, especially those who are teachers in the body of Christ. In this episode, Costi Hinn walks through a reflection on James 3 and what God's Word says about how we ought to guard our tongues. As believers, we can use our tongues to bring wisdom, or we can wound others. The wisdom from God is the kind of wisdom that should be on our lips at all times.

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8 Questions for Christian Decision-Making
For the Gospel Podcast Costi Hinn For the Gospel Podcast Costi Hinn

8 Questions for Christian Decision-Making

In this episode, Costi Hinn offers 8 questions (from Ethics for a Brave New World by Feinberg & Feinberg) that can help every Christian discern how to make decisions with regard to Christian liberty. Should you drink? Can you wear that outfit? Is it wrong to get a tattoo? Should you buy this, or sell that? Should you move to a nicer home? Is it a sin to take a better job in a better state? Do you have to homeschool to be a faithful parent? These are all big questions that Christians wrestle with. This episode will help you filter your opinions and decisions through God's word and use your Christian liberty wisely!

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