Sharpen & Equip

Driving? At the gym? Working around the house? Whatever you’re doing, redeem that time by taking in theology and practical living with For the Gospel podcasts.

Spiritual Disciplines: How to Kill Laziness & Thrive
For the Gospel Podcast Costi Hinn For the Gospel Podcast Costi Hinn

Spiritual Disciplines: How to Kill Laziness & Thrive

In this episode, Costi Hinn interviews the Founder of Redeeming Productivity and For the Gospel contributor, Reagan Rose. This episode will help you establish the right habits and understand what a "P-O-W-E-R" morning routine looks like. If you're going to see a long-term pattern of healthy spiritual discipline, you need to declare war on laziness. This episode will help!

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Video Games: Innocent Hobby or Immature Habit?
For the Gospel Podcast Costi Hinn For the Gospel Podcast Costi Hinn

Video Games: Innocent Hobby or Immature Habit?

In this episode Costi Hinn interviews FTG contributor, Reagan Rose, who recently wrote a book on gaming. Reagan is the founder of Redeeming Productivity and provides wisdom and insights on video games, hobbies, and keeping the gospel at the center of your priorities. This episode answers big questions like, Is it a sin to play video games? How should we prioritizing our time and hobbies? Why do so many men seem drawn to videos over other pursuits? What is the "felt need" that video games are meeting for many men in today's world?

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Reagan Rose: How to be a Productive Christian
For the Gospel Podcast Costi Hinn For the Gospel Podcast Costi Hinn

Reagan Rose: How to be a Productive Christian

In this episode Costi Hinn interviews one of the key contributors to getting For the Gospel up and running. Reagan Rose provides insights for using online media to resource your church and reinforces the importance of Christians engaging in worship, discipleship, and evangelism in person. If you're looking to keep the priority of the local church at the top of your missional effort, while utilizing creative excellence and media for outreach and equipping, this episode will spur you on.

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Randy Alcorn: How to Live with Eternal Perspective
For the Gospel Podcast Costi Hinn For the Gospel Podcast Costi Hinn

Randy Alcorn: How to Live with Eternal Perspective

Have you ever wondered about heaven? Will we recognize each other there? Will your animals be there? What will earth be like after Jesus returns? Is it hard for you to focus on Him with so many distracting problems erupting around you? In this episode, Costi Hinn & Reagan Rose interview best author, Randy Alcorn, about heaven, the gospel, and how Christians can maintain an eternal perspective in the midst of today's chaotic culture.

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How Do I Know if I'm Really a Christian?
For the Gospel Podcast Costi Hinn For the Gospel Podcast Costi Hinn

How Do I Know if I'm Really a Christian?

So many people struggle with the assurance of their salvation because of sin, fear, insecurity, or any other number of reasons. In this episode, we discuss ten evidences of genuine salvation that should be present in the life of a true believer in Jesus. When it comes to growing in our faith, it's about progression, not perfection! For a full breakdown of the ten evidences, read "How Do I Know if I Am Really Saved?" on the our blog.

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