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Can the Gift of Prophecy Be Fallible?
For the Gospel Podcast Costi Hinn For the Gospel Podcast Costi Hinn

Can the Gift of Prophecy Be Fallible?

Every year we hear of numerous prophecies by people who call themselves "prophets" or "prophetesses," yet these prophetic words do not come true. While the Bible has clear definitions for true and false prophets, many charismatics argue that there is such a thing as "fallible prophecy" in which supposed words from the Lord were mistaken by the prophet. What should we make of this? In this episode, Costi Hinn breaks down the true gift of prophecy and the office of prophet, while laying out 5 dangers with fallible prophecy from Dr. Nathan Busenitz.

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Discerning the Times: War, Conflict, & Compromise
For the Gospel Podcast Costi Hinn For the Gospel Podcast Costi Hinn

Discerning the Times: War, Conflict, & Compromise

In this episode, Costi Hinn interviews FTG contributor and pastor of Mission Bible Church, Anthony Wood, on the nature of the times we live in. They discuss the two extremes of "hyper-predictions" by end times enthusiasts, as well as the unhealthy indifference that many Christians have towards end times prophecy. From the war in Ukraine to compromise in the church, a Christian's focus should be on looking forward to the Day of the Lord.

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Are Modern Day "Prophets" Reliable?
For the Gospel Podcast Costi Hinn For the Gospel Podcast Costi Hinn

Are Modern Day "Prophets" Reliable?

In today's world, identifying as a "prophet" can lead to power and profit. It is not uncommon to hear a preacher say, "I've got a word from the Lord for you!" as they appear to be more holy and have a greater connection to divine revelation than anyone else. The problem is, their word doesn't match God's word. Prophecy is trending as many seek revelation from God outside of His word. Schools of supernatural ministry tout programs that can teach you how to acquire and wield the gift of prophecy, and some people build entire ministries under the illusion that they hear from God better than you do. The question begs, what is biblical prophecy? Furthermore, can we depend on these modern day prophets? In this episode, Costi Hinn interviews Justin Peters on key truths about this important gift of the Spirit.

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