Sharpen & Equip

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Conflict & the Christian Response
For the Gospel Podcast Costi Hinn For the Gospel Podcast Costi Hinn

Conflict & the Christian Response

This episode kicks off a brand new series on forgiveness and takes a deep dive into conflict resolution, how a Christian should respond, why forgiveness is hard, what bitterness will do to you, and how Christ’s example is our model. Many Christians do not have a healthy pattern of conflict resolution, but the Bible provides us with the tools we need to reflect God’s will in how we fight and forgive.

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Why Do People Get Sick?
For the Gospel Podcast Costi Hinn For the Gospel Podcast Costi Hinn

Why Do People Get Sick?

One of the most pressing questions about healing and sickness is: "Why do people get sick in the first place?" Opinions and abuses abound, so the only way to address this question is to cement ourselves in the truth of God’s unchanging Word. Some will say that your faith is the problem, others will insist you have done something to invite sickness into your life, and others will say that you must have made God mad! We need answers for ourselves and we need answers to share. This episode gives you both. When it comes to sickness and healing, settle for nothing less than God's truth.

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