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Special Episode: Jonny Ardavanis is Joining the Team!
For the Gospel Podcast Costi Hinn For the Gospel Podcast Costi Hinn

Special Episode: Jonny Ardavanis is Joining the Team!

In this episode, Costi Hinn announces the newest addition to the For the Gospel family. "Dial In" with Jonny Ardavanis will be coming under the FTG umbrella so we can combine our efforts to provide sound doctrine for everyday people around the world. Jonny Ardavanis will also be joining our executive team and helping to lead the ministry forward alongside Costi Hinn and current executive director, Brett Skinner. In this episode, you'll hear what Jonny's motives are for providing Christian resources, along with his testimony and a preview of what we have in store for you in the days ahead. God is growing this ministry because of His faithfulness and bringing together an incredible team. Thank you for your support!

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Singleness: Bless Your Little (Unmarried) Heart...Really?
For the Gospel Podcast Costi Hinn For the Gospel Podcast Costi Hinn

Singleness: Bless Your Little (Unmarried) Heart...Really?

In this episode, Costi Hinn & Jonny Ardavanis engage in a discussion that highlights the biblical framework for singleness and put to rest some of the well-intentioned but ignorant caricatures we see in the church today. The pressure on singles in the church can be intense. Though well-meaning, people in the church can patronize and pressure singles towards marriage, babies, and the next life stage as though they were a second-class citizen in the body until married and procreating. No matter how well-intentioned, this "downward" view on singleness can lead to us overlooking God's design and divine calling upon unmarried persons.

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5 Attributes of God You Must Know
For the Gospel Podcast Costi Hinn For the Gospel Podcast Costi Hinn

5 Attributes of God You Must Know

In this episode Costi Hinn asks FTG contributor Jonny Ardavanis (Dean of Student Life at The Master's University; Host of "Dial In" podcast) to unpack 5 of God's attributes that every Christian must know. Jonny chose 1) God's love, 2) God's holiness, 3) God's sovereignty, 4) God's aseity, and 5) God's jealousy. This episode will pour out truths about God that you may have never reflected on before.

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