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God’s Will in Salvation
For the Gospel Podcast Costi Hinn For the Gospel Podcast Costi Hinn

God’s Will in Salvation

In this episode, Costi Hinn continues the series on God’s will by unpacking God’s will in salvation. Using Ephesians 1:3-6 he showcases how God’s not absent from our salvation, nor is He out of the equation when it comes to who gets saved. God is sovereign and His will very much includes who is saved, when they are saved, and that they stay saved. The doctrine of “election” comes up in this episode as does the doctrine of “adoption.”

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Listener Questions Answered
For the Gospel Podcast Costi Hinn For the Gospel Podcast Costi Hinn

Listener Questions Answered

In this episode, Costi Hinn tackles your questions with biblical answers. He covers questions like, "Why was Rahab's lie justified?" and "If God is not partial, why does He show partiality in choosing Israel in the Old Testament?" Other questions cover sharing the gospel, the doctrine of election, and how to discern the spiritual state of someone who says they are a Christian but has no interest in attending church.

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What is the Doctrine of Election?
For the Gospel Podcast Costi Hinn For the Gospel Podcast Costi Hinn

What is the Doctrine of Election?

Does God choose to save certain people or do people choose to be saved? What would you say to someone who says, "A loving God would never force His will upon people?" What part does free will play in salvation? In this episode, Costi Hinn explains the doctrine of election and presents truths from God's word that should leave every believer more humble, thankful, merciful, and hopeful because if God can save you, He can save anybody!

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